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Kennedy Kids Crowdfunding

In 2021, emergency departments across the U.S. noted a sharp rise in 12- to 17-year-olds needing treatment for suicidal thoughts or actions. And in a recent federal survey, more than 4 in 10 high school students reported feeling "persistently sad or hopeless," while 1 in 5 said they'd thought about suicide.

In our personal experience as the mom and dad of a beautiful, artistic, talented, and giving sixteen-year-old girl, even with a profoundly close parent-child relationship, we could not see or know there was a depression inside her that caused her to take her life.

After our personal tragedy, we realized we were not alone. With more children and families going through this nightmare every day, it was evident we needed to take immediate action to make every effort to help, and Kennedy Kids was born.

We know Kennedy is the driving force that will help millions of kids regain their mental health and save their lives.

We are raising a million to save a million!

Each donation, however big or small, gets us closer to our $1,000,000 goal. 

With your donation, programs will be made to help kids who can't afford mental health care.

Thank you for your donation and support!

The Kennedy Kids Team