Jane Coyle Foundation- Fighting MND
Jane died, aged 46, on 22 December 2018 from Motor Neurone Disease (‘MND’).
Jane was a truly effervescent soul and possessed a special sparkling spirit which was ever present, despite her constant battle with this brutal and cruel disease.
Aside from the loss to her family and friends I know many of our clients who were all upset and shocked with losing Jane so we thought it apt and appropriate that we try and raise some awareness and money to fund the research and development in trying to find a breakthrough to defeat this cruel, indiscriminate and relentless disease.
So Janey life goes on, we all miss you dreadfully and loved the journey with you but lets make something positive out of your illness and help others.
2 marathons...1 goal...eradicate MND
Michael, Janes brother will be running 2 marathons (London and Chicago). Please donate below to help raise money to eradicate MND.