When Thinkers give we blossom!
When you enter uThinkIndigo, we invite you into a Thinkers Garden to bloom intellectually. To achieve our mission to reach 1.4 Billion Souls by 2025, we could use your support and influence. The donations you seed will help us to achieve our goals locally and globally. If you would like to seed differently or distribute your rewards as a collective contact us.
Indigo Blossoms: Seed a one-time donation of $100 or more and have your name added to our bouquet of blossoms featured digitally and physically at our sites.
The Golden Bench: Seed $1200 (option to pay monthly) into our community and receive 12 uGO! Connects or Masters (Specialty Workshops) for a full year.
The Platinum Bench: Seed $3000 (option to pay monthly) and receive rewards from the Golden Bench plus six months of uGO! Grid (Four Strategic Planning Sessions).
The Gazebo: Seed $6000 (option to pay monthly) all the benefits of the Platinum Bench plus one uGO! VIP Day or uGO! Entertain. In addition, you have the opportunity to advertise your business or promote events within our digital Thinkers Garden as well as the opportunity to be featured regularly in our social media platforms.