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Tree Of Light Wellness And Healing, a 501(c)(3) 509(a)2 Public Charitable Organization EIN: 84-2331840
IndigiCore Missions

IndigiCore is a Tree of Light volunteer service program that supports our elders, youth, and Indigenous communities with regenerative solutions in areas such as food, water, social governance, economics, and permaculture systems based on an interconnected community model. Through IndigiCore, Tree of Light helps to develop community projects with built in advocacy and education, overall supporting the regeneration of the web of life from each of the 4 directions as modeled in our mission statement. 

Each year, Tree of Light leads four or more different groups around the US and the world to different indigenous tribes and sacred sites as a means of learning, understanding, and spiritual upliftment. In turn, our SpiritQuest groups have helped host many different types of gatherings and events around important awareness campaigns and educational topics over the years, such as a year long campaign for water awareness and education, a year long campaign for the Global White Lion Protection Trust, and a food rescue for elders and families.


In the spirit of unified collaboration and other such earth-centered endeavors, the IndigiCore Program is a network of hope to inspire new ideas and actions taking place in the creation of a new way of living in harmony with the Earth, across all perceived borders. This education, permaculture, volunteer, and coordination program will weave the wisdom of indigenous leaders, professional innovators, passionate artists and creators, spirit healers, technology developers, creative educators, building and permaculture experts, and Water Protectors / Earth Stewards into one mission for Earth and community revitalization in each area we serve. IndigiCore projects are intrinsically connected to our SpiritQuest Program and its network of past and present participants and community members among many of the sacred sites of the world.

This campaign will help us to create, launch, and operate the IndigiCore Program carry forward the honoring our sacred relationship to water, land, and all of life through developing important ecologically regenerative and educational programs, systems and solutions in the communities we work in. With this endeavor, our goal is to bring specific focus and awareness towards local indigenous organizations such as Native Wisdom Academy, Women's Mohawk singing group, Ancient Echoes, Center for Sacred studies, The Path,  and the Eco-Preservation project, and many more run by local elders to build cross disciplinary teams that operate around the globe to directly highlight and build systems that encourage local solutions to the alarming and concerning issues around water and land management, whole health and well-being, connection to family and community, creating equality and harmony through open spaces, art and education, and more.

The IndigiCore Program rests on four main pillars as with the Medicine Wheel:

I. Youth Programs

We sponsor grant and direct support programs for Indigenous focused projects that provide specific resources to empower Indigenous youth with local and global opportunities to participate in economic development, job creation and training through our Volunteer Programs.

II. Education Programs

We develop work/trade education and training programs for primary and higher education, collaborate on curriculum for schools, and provide on-the-job training development for students of all ages. We model our curriculum with the StarLion Education Initiative and our Haudenosaunee constitution and the Great Law of Peace.

III. Volunteer Programs

Volunteering at any number of our annual trips, projects, events, or collaborations with other organizations is a rewarding and life fulfilling experience, as is supporting our volunteers as they expand their stewardship and roles in life. The development of the IndigiCore training program and education center is where we will facilitate prototyping, co-working, research and development, and to host events training for SpiritQuests and ecotourism experiences for Indigenous led volunteer projects that plan and manage projects throughout the world focused on building co-created community centers (solar, food, forest, farm, kitchen, art, and gathering gardens) and deploying teams and resources for short term engagements for disaster recovery, traumatic event response, and community awareness projects focused on personal, social and environmental wellness.

IV. Elder Programs

We develop programs and project plans and send teams that offer direct support for elder-led Indigenous projects in international territories that are in coherence with our network of partners who help offer local resources, health and wellness services, economic access, construction and trade, education and health advisors, primary skills development, advocacy coordination, media-based campaigning, or another required support system in order to effect the whole of the endeavor in a positive way.

The Four Themes

There are four themes that lay the foundation for the IndigiCore Program’s development:

I. Ancient Wisdom

The key to returning our Earth and our humanity back to sustainable ways is in the teachings & values of our ancestors. The people who once lived in harmony with our Mother Earth hold the knowledge which we can merge with our modern world.

  • Preservation of Tradition

  • Wisdom Teachings

  • Education through engagement 

II. Ecological Regeneration

Extractive methods have dominated our global practices, leaving the planet and her organisms to suffer. Ecological destruction is rampant but fortunately there are regenerative practices, sustainable innovations, & appropriate technologies that can lead us to a thriving future.

  • State of Our Planet 

  • Cutting-edge environmental technologies

  • 13 Laws of Lionhearted Leadership

  • Permaculture & Bioregional Management

III. Social Healing & Identity

What is it that is separating us in our local & global communities’?  In a modern world riddled by fear, greed, & patriarchal ideals, how can we heal ourselves and each other? We must begin by learning our deepest wounds and the social constructs that separate us, so that we can reunite together through our similarities & our common cause. We must reconnect with our identity as Human-Beings, first.

  • Native & Indigenous structure of Identify (Human before Nation)

  • Feminine Identity & Healing

  • Masculine Identity & Healing

  • Next-Culture

IV. Sacred Economics

Our global monetary system is based on debt and inflation, and it is blatantly obvious that the majority of wealth is held by a minority of multinational corporations & billionaires. Values that once built  tribes and local communities are now commodified into privatized businesses. How can we release ourselves from this enslavement?  Decentralization and returning our value system away from greed and selfishness to a collective agenda will allow us to rise together as thriving communities. For the tribes of the past, the wealthiest man was the one who had the most to share & give away. 

  • Economic Permaculture (Not just in your garden)

  • Holochain, Crypto & NFTs (How the market is being reappropriated)

  • Accelerators & Creative Funding  (moral & value based entrepreneurship)

  • Bartering, Trading and New Values of Exchange

  • Indigenous Values of Community & Discussion making

Connecting the SpiritQuest Community

Through our annual SpiritQuest sacred voyages that our founders have worked on for the last seven years to inspire people and communities in conscious growth and expansion, we have enabled countless stewards that are exercising the spirit through ceremony and intentional group focus, and learning from the land, people, and tribes in communities that we have traveled to and built relationships with. Watch this short introduction video for more details on how our voyages work and connect the community together for expanding and refining the IndigiCore Program model.

The majority of IndigiCore volunteers and coordinators are previous participants on one or more of our SpiritQuest sacred voyages, and thus, serves as an excellent introduction to the principles and practices of what is involved with being an IndigiCore volunteer stationed in areas around the world where the local community in the network has begun to work together. IndigiCore volunteers and coordinators begin on a SpiritQuest before entering the IndigiCore Training Program.

Supporting this program ensures that SpiritQuest participants around the world whom are ready to become an IndigiCore volunteer will get thorough training, accommodation, support, and education while engaging in meaningful and impactful projects.

Foundational Stewardship

We have worked closely with the Center for Sacred Studies, The Fountain, World Unity Week, Wisdom Weavers, Four Worlds Institute, Sine Network, Unity Earth, and many others, to support the release and launch of the Worldwide Indigenous People’s Governance Charter with The Global White Lion Protection Trust, and to facilitate two global Wisdom Elder councils in 2020 hosting  many wisdom keepers and teachers from more than two dozen Indigenous tribes around the globe. Adam Shield of the Feather and Izzi Eagle Song have been traveling the world for more than seven years in service to the discovery and revival of Indigenous practices and ways to sacred sites, Indigenous tribes and communities, and in communion with Elders and wisdom keepers to weave this into the Tree of Light organization.

About Tree of Light

Tree of Light is an Indigenous led non-profit organization directed toward the discovery and revival of traditional practices for all people and communities. Our goal is to weave together that which has been silenced, lost by way of commodity or covered up.  We do this by overseeing and initiating projects on the premise that all Indigenous Nations world wide have had intrinsic rapport, guidelines and agreements, and spiritual based practices that keep communities in balance and in harmony with our Mother Earth. We integrate and help bring traditional practices to the forefront, by learning once again how to exercise our Spirit through traditions, ancestral, and ceremonial ways of education, solutions-based projects, and wellness practices.

Our vision is to bridge communities together to inspire local action in alignment with four key areas of focus: education, community development, healing and wellness, and regenerative systems development. We do this by creating sacred gatherings, educational curriculum, and bridging international networks into partnership, stewardship, volunteerism, and coherence.

Up to now it’s been hard to give back financially unless a project formed its own foundation. Now they don’t have to. The Tree of Light Foundation is a non-profit umbrella organization providing financial and legal infrastructure for Indigenous, environmental, and community projects for distributed collaboration under the IndigiCore Program. Your contribution helps make this program a successful reality.  

For more information, please see our website:

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