Independent Council on Womens Sports is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 88-2093870. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer.

Donor Wall 232


Is Payton McNabb part of your lawsuit? She should use ICON Lawyer to file another lawsuit against her Delta Zeta Sorority- same issue, different arena - stealing women’s leadership opportunities. Include other active DZ members who agree with her. She was wrongfully dismissed by DZ - she could sue for defamation, freedom of speech, breach of contract, harassment, failure of fiduciary obligations to women, etc.


Men ( biological ), should NOT be participating in women’s events! This is one of the most ridiculous things occurring in our country. It MUST STOP !!

Jill Stewart | $104.42

Keep up the fight !

Desiree | $26.34

stephen | $50

keep up the good work...and hats off to Riley, an American hero


Go get them!

Carol Nichols

Great Fox interview Kim!! Yes, we need “bullet proof policy.” We need men out of female sports, female sororities, and girls summer camps - all female spaces!

Robbi DeVries | $2,082.56

Can't believe the NCAA can be so blind to what is right and fair to the women athletes!


I’ve been a rowing coach for over 18 years and coached jr girls for 16 of those years. I think it’s ridiculous that men only need to self identify as a female to in order to compete against girls and women. I fully support your effort to have USRowing recognize that the women’s category is exclusively for female rowers.

Richard Prentke | $100


Thank you for fighting this important battle for justice. May God reward you.

Anonymous | $20.09

My daughter and I have benefited from Title IX. I stand with women. My money is talking.

Jade | $10.72

Julie Lane

Keep fighting! With you all the way!!

Anonymous | $10.72

I am sorry that you had to go through this.

Patrick Perusse | $104.42

Maura Noordhoorn | $500

Aidan Jackson | $3.44

Thank you guys for your fight for a better society! It's a shame y'all have to keep the fight in the court of law and not on the sports court.

Wendy | $52.37

I stand behind Batie-Smoose. This nightmare must end for our women and girl athletes.


Thank you for protecting our women and girls in sports!


Keep fighting!! It is absolutly nutst that you have to sue the NCAA to keep women's sports for women.


Emily Kaht | $50

Thank you for protecting female athletes!


Michelle Barrow | $50

Go women! You are right! We support you!!

Cynthia Wilson | $52.37

At 77, I never had a chance to compete at the college level. I love what girls have available to them now and don’t want to see opportunities taken away or diminished in anyway. This is for my granddaughter and all females pursuing a dream.

Melissa Howard | $26.34

We have to continue this fight. We CANNOT and WILL NOT give up!

Holly Stewart

Barbara Bull | $99.22

The NCAA has had a policy of allowing men in women’s sports since 2010. It’s long past time to restrict this category to XX. 5x19=95. Go Riley!!

Barbara Bull | $79.44

Let’s go!! 4x19=76. Oh no! Donor box is charging, so this won’t come out exactly!