Horizons Bridgeport

Your donation supports our goal of offering 1000+ Bridgeport students Horizons’ high-quality academics, arts, sports, and cultural enrichment opportunities - a program proven by research to be an effective approach to out-of-school time learning and addressing achievement gap.

You may also help grow programming and expand the number of students served by making a multi-year commitment to Sponsor a Classroom.  By supporting a classroom for three years, you will have the opportunity to meet the students and teachers, visit the classroom, and receive updates on student progress each year.  Choose either $20,000, $10,000 or $5,000 annually and in your comment indicate that your contribution is for three years.

Through your gift, you join supporters committed to improving the educational and life outcomes for all students.  We thank you for your donation, dedication, and heart.

No goods or services were provided by Horizons Bridgeport, Inc. (EIN #83-4544991), a Section 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.