Recovery Solution - HOPE X3 Fundraising Campaign


Please DONATE BELOW to our HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS Fundraising Campaign


#1 is to help those who are so deep in addiction that they do not have insurance, money, or support from family or friends to help them get treatment. These people have lost hope and the only way that they have a chance out of misery and hopelessness is if we help them.  I offer a lot of my own time and resources to help people in these situations get help.  I have helped around 10 people get treatment that couldn't afford it in the last 2 or 3 months.  We could do so much more if we could get donors making recurring monthly payments of even $20 - $50.
*I want to put together packages for them to help them get back on their feet.  For only a few hundred dollars I can get someone the full treatment, time, and resources they need to get back on their feet.  ____With less than $500 I can take someone who is homeless and hopeless and get them
*drug and/or alcohol detox,
*inpatient/residential treatment,
*a Recovery Coach/Case Manager from start of treatment to completion of SOP, to getting living arrangements worked out and finding a job to help them navigate recovery, set and achieve goals, get access to the appropriate resources, stay focused and work on 7 Dimensions of Wellness,
*Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP),
*a bus pass for 1-2 months to get them to and from IOP,
*Supportive Outpatient Treatment (SOP)
*frequent drug and alcohol testing, and
*rent in a sober living home for 1-2 weeks after they finish residential treatment and while they are attending Outpatient Treatment and looking for/ getting s job  

#1 is so that we can visit schools, community organizations, and other places to have speaker meetings with at-risk youth as our audience.  We are taking an approach to intervening that we feel has a higher likelihood of making an impact.
#2 is so we can offer full scholarships and discounts to young people that really want help but that cannot afford it.  This is also to help us expedite the process of obtaining status as a Charitable Organization so that we can raise money full-time and offer our services for free to those in need.

#3 is to help those who are so deep in addiction that they do not have insurance, money, or support from family or friends to help them get treatment. These people have lost hope and the only way that they have a chance out of misery and hopelessness is if we help them.  I offer a lot of my own time and resources to help those in hopeless mental states and conditions.  We could do so much more if we could get donors involved.

This is why we call this our Hope for the Hopeless campaign. To offer help to those that are in a state of complete Hopelessness - as a result of their addiction, and desire help but do not have insurance, money, or family support.  The goal of this campaign is to get help for those in the depths of addiction, who have run out of chances and resources and guide them into a way of living sober that is fulfilling. If you have ever experienced the consistent negative emotions that consume and possess you when you have truly lost hope than you know why I am so passionate about helping people gain it back.

Please donate on a monthly basis - People deserve to experience life free from the enslavement to drugs and the negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions that coexist with deep addiction.

This campaign is to help people who are in the deepest, darkest abyss of desperation and loneliness, with suicide at the forefront of their mind upon awakening, as they fall asleep and most of the day. People who would rather stay asleep 24/7 and live in their dreams than be awake in the real world.  People overtaken by feelings of shame and guilt from things they swore they'd never do, who look in the mirror at a person that disgusts them, whom they hate and despise, yet don't even know anymore.   People who had a person in their life who they swore they'd never be like, or a way they'd never be, instead becoming far worse.  People who feel trapped and would kill themselves if they had a guarantee they wouldn't go to Hell or reincarnate into a life that might possibly be somehow worse, hoping instead that someone kill them, or that they overdose on drugs.

Our goal is to reach the hopeless person contemplating suicide because they are homeless, or broke, or lost everything, or just sick and tired of the way they're living and just want one more chance but don't have access to resources to get help.  We are going to evaluate them and come up with a budget and an individualized treatment plan and manage the entire process.  With the help of the donors we will get them their most urgent needs in the most cost effective manner with our manpower and resources.

 Our goal is to help as many people as we can.  We only want to help people that want the help, otherwise it would be a waste of money.  But, our goal is to be ale to help anyone that wants the help.  Therefore, there will be an application process.  We will perform an interview, require a written essay, and perform an assessment and evaluation,  We want to ensure that if there are more applicants than there is money that we select the people that not only need it the most, but most importantly want it the most and are willing to do whatever it takes.  We will still do whatever we can to help anybody who comes to us looking for help  get into some kind of treatment.  In addition, we personally offer our services to a limited number of clients who we feel could  really benefit from the help but cant afford it.  Its my way of giving back to and bettering the community through working to restore relationships and improve lives.   I am working towards nonprofit status so that we can offer our services to everyone, not just those who can afford it.