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Your donation will make great impact on lives of autistic children affected by the war! Thank you!

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    Autism families are facing many challenges during the pandemic and with the current situation in Ukraine we want to help children and families get the support they need in this crisis!

    As published by BBC News, Almost 13 million people are believed to have fled their homes in Ukraine since the conflict began, according to the United Nations.

    The UN says that as of 16 May, 6.2 million people have left Ukraine:

    • Poland has taken in 3,376,992 refugees
    • Romania 919,574
    • Hungary 610,076
    • Moldova 464,294
    • Slovakia 424,027
    • Belarus 27,308


    This is why we have chosen to support Autism Europe and its member organizations with this fundraiser event. All the proceeds will go to support their incredible work!

    AUTISM EUROPE is an international association whose main objective is to advance the rights of autistic people and their families and to help them improve their quality of life. It ensures effective liaison among almost 90 member autism organizations from 38 European countries, including 25 Member States of the European Union, governments, and European and international institutions. Autism-Europe plays a key role in raising public awareness, and in influencing the European decision-makers on all issues relating to the rights of autistic people.

    See the list of the AE member organisations supporting autistic people in Ukraine

    Your donations will support Autism Europe's member foundation from Ukraine, Child With Future, here's their call for donations message:


    The war in Ukraine: destroyed civilian infrastructure, kindergartens, schools, maternity hospitals… Broken destinies of families, adults, children. Lost villages and towns, housing, schools, kindergartens, educators, teachers, consultants…

    During the first month of the war, 135 children and thousands of civilians died. And the war is not over yet. 4.3 million children have been forcibly relocated, more than half of the country's 7.5 million children.

    Ukraine has united and the world has come to support Ukraine.

    Therefore, we appeal to all world and European organizations concerned with the protection and support of children, to governments, entrepreneurs, and all citizens of the civilized world to take an active part in raising funds and other resources to help Ukrainian children with autism and developmental disabilities affected by the military invasion of Russia.

    INGO CASF Child With Future has been fighting for the rights of autistic individuals and their families for 12 years. We have supported families, centers, and communities. The war will not stop us from continuing our work. Please help us and our families by donating!

    Listen to a conversation with Child With Future's Director Iryna Sergiyenko about her story as an Ukrainian refugee who fled the country with her autistic brother, what challenges and experiences autistic children and their families face and what support we are working on, where does the money go and how can you help:

    List of supplies we need help with providing for Ukrainian autistic children & families:

    Regarding more information about the organization of the supplies for Ukraine please contact Mishka Sibert, founder of Happy Autism, via email:

    Meet the Organizers of the Fundraiser: 

    Happy Autism:

    We are siblings and founders of Happy Autism, a creative autism inclusive business & NGO based in Slovakia. We are raising money to support autism families that have fled from Ukraine to Slovakia and other European countries. Our mission is to show the world the abilities of autistic people and the impact they are making in this world in spite of war. 


    As they age, those with autism have lower employment rates and higher social isolation rates than people with other disabilities and with this war it impacts them greater as they’re fleeing from their homes and finding their life schedules disrupted which cause them great stress. 


    Autistic individuals have an 85% chance of being unemployed under regular circumstances which leads to high dependency on their family. With this war their chances are even higher. We need to make the world aware of these issues. 


    This is why we decided to challenge the stigma around disability and make Samko into an equal business partner, a Creative Director, who is impacting the direction of our business through his creative leadership. Our unique model is built around Samko's ability, being a talented artist and creative mind. Our first t-shirt with Samko's art was praised by Ben Affleck then our story and mission was featured in Forbes! We are not just talking about raising awareness, we are taking action towards making a positive change happen!

    Feat. THE LADY HUSTLER SOCIETY CLUB The lady hustler society club is an international female entrepreneurs and professionals association. 

    Our mission is to redistribute the cards by offering opportunities to all to connect with possible clients, Angel investors, sponsors, brands, etc. We also offer the ability to learn without spending thousands of dollars while networking, referring to one another while making long-lasting friendships.

    Policy of the event: 

    No promo, No politics, No hate speech, just love and compassion and a united mission to help autistic children and families!