Hi there, my name is Heather and I’m ready to share my experience with you that has taken me on a 25-year journey.
After a life altering event happened, my brother said to me, “You have taken care of everyone else, who’s taking care of you?” Answer: No one, especially not me. I only knew how to survive, not thrive. He gave me the name of a woman to reach out to that he thought could be a light for me in those dark times.
 I wrote down her name and number on my work calendar in September. I transferred that number from September to October, then November, then December. I was still not taking care of myself, and I was simply surviving life’s challenges while taking care of my daughter. Then one day in January, head in hands, knowing in the deepest parts of me there is something better, I called. Two weeks later, I found myself on a journey to Mexico in January of 2009. Teotihuacan, to be exact. I made a conscious choice from my heart to change. My time and experiences there provided me with a clear vision that had always been with me.  To bring people and plants into reciprocity with one another. With the belief that we are in a sacred relationship together and we, as humans, have forgotten our way. There are many layers to the vision. When I told my brother of this realization and vision to turn it into a “lifestyle business”, he said, “SISTER!!! That is not a business! That is a f@<{-ing zip code!!!” And so, the mandate began …. Thank you, Brother.
The vision is to inspire humans as communities to remember the profound role of nature in our lives as a sacred relationship. To recognize that no one is taking care of our health, or our wellbeing and it is the action of our hands in the dirt that will be the change we are searching for.Â
This vision is about regenerative land practices, recognizing our healing through the planet. We often don’t know where our food or our medicine comes from, and hardly ever get to meet the people who cultivate for us. The land is now saturated with chemicals to keep the “pests and weeds” under control, and as a result, our bodies are also saturated with these unnecessary and unhealthy chemicals. The public belief is that medicine comes from a pill. Our belief here is to remember that it comes from the planet, the plant, the relationship to nature as a whole system and that is our environment of wellness. While disease rates soar, we are no closer to a solution than we are to living a healthy, chemical-free life. Until we pull our heads up and make the choice to change.Â
The gardens will provide experiences in wide reaching fields (the zip code) that is in collaboration with the sciences of ethnobotany, landscape architecture, regenerative land practices, herbalism, edible and medicinal gardens, infused botanicals and adaptogens, beekeeping, water habitats, ancient water conservation, animal culture, biophilic & eco-living designs to be in harmony with the planet and people.Â
Our campaign is designated for the beginnings of Sagrada Botanical Garden: Plant Medicine Garden designed to decolonize the destructive farming practices used today and recognize the power of plant vs. pill.
We start with the water and the land, and this includes:
 Water Conservation Irrigation: Ollas clay pot irrigation & swales
 Well water establishment using solar.
 Regenerative land practices: No till
 Companion planting
 Natural Habitat additions to include regional wildlife, chickens, quail, goats, a donkey and bees.              Â
I have been bringing and sharing this vision with others to build in support of their own visions and missions. I have done this because it is not a singular movement.  Giving others my heart and energy has been part of the process. And now I have been given the opportunity to develop this in my own community through the gift of accessible land and water.  A Sacred Place of Reciprocity, Dignity & Harmony in Fort Collins, Co. with the energy of my own heart, from Seed to Soul. I would love for you to be a part of the vision and build this community here and then everywhere together!
Let’s prove it together!!Â
Please check out www.sagradabotanical.com for all the details on how you can get involved.Â