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Help us build the MomUnity App!

What makes Momivate different from the many other wonderful supports that moms receive? The MomUnity App! 

The app would serve a few purposes:

  • help women find a MomUnity -- a community of mothers -- for a weekly S.M.I.L.E. gathering! Yes, it's a play on the word community, replacing comm- with MOM -- and it's a beautiful sum of words, encouraging UNITY among mothers, reminding us that we're all in this together -- it's not a "mompetition..." so let's get together and show some "mompassion" to one another!
  • In striving to meet every mother's needs for an EMT (education, money, and time) -- this app would introduce MomUnits as a means of meeting monetary needs in a whole new way. Here is an illustration:

Mary is a hairdresser. She offers her services to other Moms through the MomUnity app, but NOT in exchange for money. Instead, she agrees to accept MomUnits which are calculated within her account -- the app keeps track.

Mary would really like for her daughter to take piano lessons. The MomUnity app helps Mary search for piano teachers who also accept MomUnits rather than currency!

Jane, the piano teacher that Mary found, is excited for her son's first birthday and would really like to buy a professionally decorated cake to celebrate. She uses the MomUnity app to find Andrea, a fellow mother who has that skill and willingly accepts MomUnits as compensation.

Andrea is in need of a haircut, and searches for a hairdresser on the MomUnity app. Mary's name shows up, and Andrea "pays" her in MomUnits.

It doesn't stop here though!

MomUnits can be given to mothers as incentive/reward for attending and participating in their SMILE gatherings and as they complete each level of certification in the RAISE acronym! This ties together the education and the monetary elements. Yes, we are proposing that we "mompensate" mothers for their efforts to improve maternally. MomUnits makes such "mompensation" possible!

Businesses can donate goods and services to Momivate (since we are a non-profit!) and then MomUnity Members (M.U.M.s) can use their MomUnits to acquire the donations that meet their needs.

Perhaps we could grow to the point where businesses advertise that they accept MomUnits! The business would then "turn in" the MomUnits accumulated and we would issue a receipt for their donation... that gets a little complex but the idea is there and could be developed!

Does this idea come across with some clarity? Are you inspired as you see how they are broad-scope ideas that need to be acted upon on a wide scale in order to be most effective? You can foresee how the MomUnity app will self-perpetuate -- go "viral" -- and so it needs to have the programming already solidly intact so it doesn't implode! In our embryonic state as an organization, we acknowledge our limitations in creating an app that can accurately account for potentially millions of MomUnits -- but we know that there are resources out there to develop these ideas successfully.

By donating, you are helping us get closer to creating this awesome app!