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The GO Broken to Beautiful Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 87-1021750.

Educating and inspiring inmates to become their best selves. 

Providing access to lifelong quantum thought tools. Teaching employable skills.

Because being  better is better than just feeling better.

An estimated 68% of released prisoners are re-arrested within 3 years, 79% within 6 years, and 83% within 9 years (NCJ Number 250975, May 2018, Recidivism of Prisoners Released).  Without a plan, without education, without a body of supporters who care to help these broken people, and not knowing or learning a different way, two-thirds of these prisoners will fall victim again to temptation, poor choices, and the cruelties of human life – and their cycle of abuse and legal entanglements will continue.  If these inmates go into jail and/or prison with no skills or tools for accountability or response-ability – likewise exiting with no skills or tools – their lives will not change. Prison or jail will likely be in their future again. 

This is why we have created the GO Broken to Beautiful™ Foundation, Inc. and call our efforts, The Prison Project. As we teach the GO Broken to Beautiful™ and GO Broken to Badass™ Courses, combined with Neural Linguistic Programming to address trauma and PTSD issues, inmates embrace a new identity fortified by real skills, tools, and principles that help them live a life of accountability. If inmates truly internalize the lessons that help them go from survival to stability, from success to significance, they begin living and directing their lives on purpose with purpose.

This is a proven system. It has already helped women and men across the nation to completely change the trajectory of their lives. Jobs. College. Reconnection with family. Breaking addictions. Healthy thought patterns. When you give you provide the resources urgently needed to teach inmates the principles, tools and skills they never got to make better choices, recognize and address trauma, stop their negative thinking patterns and become more response-able in meeting the opportunities and challenges of life. 

We thank you for your generous donations. Please consider making a monthly contribution. It takes $1,995 to teach and coach one inmate. There are so may men and women yearning to change their lives once released. A ten dollar per month on-going contribution provides the manual and materials that go along with the program. We need your help!

"When you change the face of a man, of a woman, of a family, of a community, you change the face of a nation."

Check out our short video and website: