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Hall Mead School Project

Orphan Assistance Fund is working with Kids Alive International to raise $6,000 to provide over 100,000 meals for children who live in poverty with one or no parents. The project ends on July 15th, and to find more information, visit Click the logo on the top left or the link to access our website!

Here is a word from the Kids Alive Director in Kenya, Purity Nyamu:

Warm greetings from Kenya, where despite trauma and burnout hitting our communities and even impacting our staff over the past year, we see the Lord’s faithfulness through your support and through the transformed lives of kids in our care. We stand on the truth of Psalm 121:5-8: 

“The Lord watches over you - the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm – he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” 

We are working under some difficult situations within the communities, and among our team as well. COVID-19 has led to severe traumatic experiences among children and staff at Kids Alive Kenya, as many have lost loved ones. Additionally, we’ve seen a huge increase in dysfunctional families and the number of family break-ups in the communities where we have a presence. Domestic abuse and child abuse is on the rise in Kenya, accentuated by lockdowns, job losses, and stress. 

In this context, we see our work more relevant and vital as ever. And thanks to generous donors, we were able to support 297 families (about 1,600 individuals) with supplementary food, sanitizing and hygiene items, family mentoring, and spiritual care in an effort to strengthen families and ensure they remain together as much as possible. We’re grateful for the successes we’ve seen and know that God has kept His watch over us, just as He promised. 

As we look to the next year, we are excited to expand the holistic nature of our interventions in all our programs. We are strengthening our child protection systems to ensure the highest level of safety for the kids in our care. We are developing plans to establish a childcare intervention program for the vulnerable children living in the slums of Nairobi (Kenya’s largest city) that constitute 47% of the urban population.