UPDATE: We increased our goal to $3,500! Thank you to everyone who had donated so far. We can reach this new goal if 20 people chip-in!
Together, we have the power to re-shape the judiciary in Allegheny County for a generation and we know how important it is for Mik Pappas to be part of that transformation. Mik has a clear vision and a proven track record for making reforms from the bench. This is a movement for justice, a movement to End Mass Incarceration, to Stop Punishing Poverty, and to Prevent Family Trauma.
Judges are the elected officials most likely to interact with regular people. Their decisions impact our lives, our liberty, our families, our finances, and our communities. Friends of Mik Pappas is made up of regular people and our people-powered campaign needs YOU!
Election Day is May 18th, and our financial reporting deadline is May 3rd, so now is the time! We need other regular people to join us in this grassroots fundraising effort! Please donate what you can, any amount will help if we all chip-in. Whether or not you have already donated, can you give $10, $20, $50?