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Donations go to SOSNA (South of South Neighborhood Association) which is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 23-2555347
Grays Ferry Triangles Gateway

Do you love the Triangle, want to help make it permanent, and increase safety and walkability along Grays Ferry Avenue? If yes, then keep reading!

The South of South Neighborhood Association (SOSNA) has been managing the Triangle for a decade as a gathering space for neighbors. However, the Triangle is still considered a "temporary" space by the City. For years, we have been planning on making the Triangle a permanent space with raised sidewalks, increased greenery, better furniture, and creating a brand new Triangle public space at Bainbridge Street. This would increase safety and create a more walkable corridor heading south of the original Triangle. This is all part of a large project we are calling the Grays Ferry Triangles Gateway.

We can't do this without community support. The City has committed to making this project happen but we need neighbors to help raise funds for the design phase of the project. Though the total cost of the project is $3 million, which will be funded by state and local sources, we still need to raise $30,000 from the community to begin the design phase.

Your commitment will help make the dream of an incredible new pedestrian-oriented commercial corridor become a reality for our neighborhood.

The total project cost is approximately $3 million and will involve a grant to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). The DCED will fund the construction of the entire project.  

Draft proposed concept design for South Street Triangle

Draft proposed street layout, with enhanced Triangle at South Street and new Triangles north and south of Bainbridge Street.

Visit the Grays Ferry Triangles Gateway project page on SOSNA for more information.