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Nous sommes un parti politique de droit congolais dénommé Convention Chrétienne pour le Changement, « CCC/RDC » en sigle, enregistré sur arrêté Ministériel n° 060 du 31 Décembre 2015. Notre siège social est sis à Goma, dans la province du Nord-Kivu.
Get things done! Help the Congolaise!

Hello and a good day for you!

My name is ALEX KIMBWENDE TSHIKU. I am the national president of a political party under Congolese law, registered by ministerial order n° 060 of 31 December 2015. I live in Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo. My profession is Civil Engineer. My passion is politics.

I work full time five days a week from 8am to 4pm at the University as a Laboratory Technician where I am responsible for training students in the practical field of Electrical Engineering.
I have already spent a lot of my private money to found a political party in the DRC and ensure its functioning. The party is called CONVENTION CHRÉTIENNE POUR LE CHANGEMENT. You can find us here:

Our motivation is to fight corruption and social injustice in our beautiful country and to facilitate access to wealth to many people who have been exploited over the past decades by foreign companies which have exported our resources out of the country with the complicity of some members of our government. Also the so-called charities that are in our country cannot help my people to improve theirselves. Because they don't teach them the things, they need to know to develop, but make them more dependent. I am so tired of seeing all this misery, that I want to act now and help my people.

I am ready to be one of the leaders of my country that is transparent in its finances. I am ready to accept a financial blockchain setup, so that people can see where the money is spent and how it is used here for our different activities. Our next move are the yellow weeks, where we would like to great communities to talk about democracy and politics in different cities in our country. Therefor we need capital to cover travel costs so that we can spread our mission.

Here are the details: YELLOW WEEKS

Thank you so much for taking the time to read about my mission.

Have a good day! Stay positive and focused! 

I will do, too!