Since January 2021, Scott Davis and Billy Lord have been in over 30 schools across America and have seen 1130 students make a profession of Faith in Christ! HUNDREDS of others made other decisions.
Please take One Minute and watch this conference overview video:
Here's a word from Singer/Songwriter/Humorist on why he is a financial giver to this ministry:
Here's a short video from Mark Hall, Frontman for the Grammy-winning band, Casting Crowns:
Grammy-nominated and Dove-winning Artist, Babbie Mason, talks about investing in Get Real Conferences and One Real Day Events:
Dr. Tim Dowdy, of the North American Mission Board, talks about his part in this ministry and investing in it:
Now that the 2022 Conference season for schools has concluded, we are asking the Lord to give us partners for 2023 to help us raise $50,000 so that we can reach more schools, expand the reach by adding a staff person to work in the office as Scott & Billy travel, as well as a new follow-up website for students, called "Keeping It Real," summer camps, email and print resources, etc.
Will you join us in helping reach our goal of $50,000 for 2023? Through this page, you can become a monthly giver of any amount. If you prefer to give a one-time gift, you can also do that here.
Thank you for your financial support, with an even BIGGER thank you for your prayer support.
Scott Davis & Billy Lord