FSK Donation

FSK Donation    

The Kosovo Security Force is the security force of Kosovo, tasked with conducting crisis response operations in Kosovo and abroad and civil protection operations in Kosovo. Its main tasks are operations in the areas of Search and Rescue, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Firefighting, and Hazardous Material Disposal. However, it is also equipped with light weaponry, and the Kosovo government plans to transform it into an army. The Commander of the KSF is Lieutenant General Rrahman Rama.

In March 2008, the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) and the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) started preparations for the formation of the Kosovo Security Force. According to guidance laid out in the Ahtisaari Plan, the security force is permitted to carry light weapons and the Government of Kosovo and the international community planned to bring the force in line with NATO standards. The admission and the training of personnel began in early June, when NATO experts arrived in Kosovo to guide the process, and from early December 2008, enlisting of candidates between 18–30 years old began.


Donacion për Forcat e Sigurisë së Kosovës. 

Na ndihmoni të krijojmë një krah që është mbrojtës për vendin dhe popullin tonë. 
Një ushtri ka nevojë për fonde për t'u krijuar për një forcë të fortë, donacionet tuaja do të ndihmojnë ushtrinë që të krijohet. 
Donacionet do të shpëtohen deri në vitin 2020 dhe pastaj gjithçka do të jepet në Ministrin e Sigurisë së Kosovës.

Aftësia juaj për të ndarë lidhjen tonë do të vlerësohet shumë - https://donorbox.org/fsk-donation
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We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All the contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.