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Please consider a monthly donation.

A donor account is created automatically for recurring donations. Account setup info will be emailed to you.
You can log in to edit your recurring donation any time

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Credit/Debit Card
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Donate from your bank using Plaid, a secure and encrypted bank transfer service.

You can log in to edit your recurring donation any time

Friends of Adaire '60 in 60' Challenge, Annual Fund, and Recurring Donations!

'60 in 60' Challenge! October 23rd-December 23rd

Friends of Adaire wants you! join our incredible community of supporters and help us continue to make Adaire better and better.

Last year, many Friends of Adaire stepped up in response to our '30 in 30' campaign, and we reached our goal of rallying over 30 families to commit to monthly contributions to FoA in just 30 days. Now, we're asking for more, because we're doing so much more! Become one of our '60 in 60' champions – 60 families stepping up to set up recurring monthly donations in the next 60 days – and you will see the investments continue to pay off in excellence at Adaire. You might have already noticed our bigger ambitions: we are covering the costs of Dress Down Days, funding more teacher requests than ever before, and assisting our partners at the SAC with their events and initiatives. Our investments can be seen in nearly every corner of the school, the schoolyard, and, of course, our beautiful new mural.

We're also excited to announce this year's annual fund initiative: Arts In and Around the Auditorium! With your help, we're raising money for some much-needed improvements to our lobby and auditorium spaces, including sound and lighting upgrades and other projects in support of our drama club.

With your help, we can achieve so much at Adaire! Set up your monthly recurring donations at an amount that works for you. Join us today and make a difference!