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Legal Fund for BC Healthcare Collaborative

Who We Are

We are a group of healthcare professionals in British Columbia, Canada, who stand for medical autonomy, informed consent, privacy, and freedom of choice regarding the COVID-19 vaccines, as well as any other medical intervention.

We are a devoted community of proud BC residents, spanning all healthcare professions, all walks of life, all political affiliations, both vaccinated and vaccine-free. We believe in unity, science, empathy, and compassion.

Our Mission

As health professionals, we advocate for our patients and encourage them to inform themselves. They should be informed of their treatment options, weigh the pros and cons, and have the right to refuse or accept a treatment. No individual should face a loss of income, public shame and discrimination, or the loss of a professional title based on personal medical decisions.

We oppose vaccine mandates, including the disclosure of vaccination status, for the following reasons:

  • It infringes on our legal right to informed consent without coercion, intimidation, or threats.
  • It violates the preservation of our private medical records, by demanding that we disclose our vaccination status.

Our Challenge

The BC Office of the Public Health Officer continues to mislead the public and patients about the risks of unvaccinated healthcare professionals transmitting the SARS-CoV-2 virus to their patients.

Medical evidence confirms that unvaccinated health professionals do not pose any greater risk of spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus to their patients than those who are vaccinated. Given the preventative measures already being followed in healthcare settings, the risk of either vaccinated or unvaccinated health professionals transmitting the SARS-CoV-2 virus to patients is very low.

They also plan to breach the medical privacy rights of both vaccinated and unvaccinated healthcare professionals. There is absolutely no reasonable public health justification for imposing such a serious violation of privacy, which in the current politicized climate may endanger both vaccinated and unvaccinated healthcare professionals and their families. We believe that this will also create division, encourage discrimination, and result in further job losses in the healthcare field.

We are currently raising funds to immediately begin our legal challenge against the government as these illegal, unnecessary, unethical, and unlawful orders will not only have a negative impact on healthcare practitioners and staff but also on our patients.

This government overreach will impact the well-being of all British Columbians, resulting in the loss of well qualified and competent healthcare professionals, whose services are valued by the public.

Thank you for your generous support and for joining us in the fight for medical freedom!

To further support our cause, please consider covering the payment processing fee as it helps to reduce our administration costs. Please also note that because we are not a registered charity, donations cannot be deducted as a tax credit.

For more information, please visit us at