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Rewilding America Now is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. No goods or services were provided. Our EIN is 27-1904843.

Rewilding America Now Needs Your Support To Save Our Horses

The BLM is rounding up tens of thousands of horses and burros. Their Adoption Incentive Program (AIP) is pushing many of these horses and burros into auction houses and kill-pens. 

Kansas. Texas. Pennsylvania. Anywhere you find an auction attended by kill-buyers, you seem to find wild horses and burros that were run through the AIP. 

BLM has used tax-payer money to subsidize unscrupulous people that take in a horse or burro, get the incentive cash and then dump these precious wild ones at auction for even more cash. 

RAN is actively seeking funds to support our rescue efforts to rewild 25 wild horses. 

We are spending significant resources to save these horses from slaughter and we are excited to bring them to a new home and continue these rescues. We are now asking for your support for our efforts.

WE NEED YOUR HELP, time is of the essence. 

We need to process, transport and vet them before returning their freedom as part of our rewilding programs.

Together we can make this happen!