





Donate to make FloraGo! a reality!

What is FloraGo!?

Within our world today, there is a profound lack of physical activity, which has resulted in adverse physical and mental harm. It's understandable, as exercising and being consistent with exercise can be hard. Luckily, we have a solution for you!

FloraGo! is an app that aims to use an environmental theme and a gamified format to incentivize people to exercise and bolster their well-being.

Through a GPS satellite function, users can run, walk, bike, or hike, and based on the user’s moving time, they will gain water and clovers. 

Water and clovers are the currency in FloraGo!, which allows users to play and customize the central game within our app: their own virtual greenhouse garden! 

Users use the clovers and water that they earn through exercising to buy seeds, pots, or accessories (with clovers), and grow their plants (with water). At each level (users level up through exercising), users unlock new seeds to plant and buy, to customize their own garden! Additionally, we have daily and monthly events and challenges for the users to gain extra clovers or have a social feature for their exercise, and we allow users to track their exercise to see their progress!

Sneak Peek of FloraGo! 

How does FloraGo! work?

Our app provides an instant short-term reward to exercise, which acts as an incentive to keep exercising daily. People are also more incentivized to start exercising as they feel like they are playing a game rather than exercising. Research shows people are more willing to do an activity if it is a game, or if it is something they enjoy (Ganit Richter, University of Haifa, Israel). 

Being able to grow plants on one’s own with clovers that they earned through hard work also makes users attached to their virtual garden and feel rewarded when they exercise. Reward creates habits, which has people exercising more regularly, plus the added incentives of our additional features (butterflies/ladybugs that come to your garden if you exercise consistently to give you a boost, and caterpillars that come to your garden if you don't exercise consistently to harm your garden!). 

How will we use your generous funding?

Your money will primarily be going towards helping us fund our app development, which we are outsourcing to a credible app development company. This will allow us to actually build our app, which will be ready as early as October 2022. 

What do you get for helping us fund (note that you must reveal your name to receive these)?

For your funding, we want to extend our thanks in a tier list reward system! 

For all donors, your name will be on our donor wall and website (when it launches) if you choose to disclose your name. 

For donors who pay $500 HKD to $1,000 HKD, we are giving you the opportunity to name a pot or other accessory within our game* (eg. the "Christine" pot). 

For the donors who pay $1,000 HKD +, we will let you name the plants in our game* (eg. the "Andre" fig tree). 

Lastly, if you end up being one of our top 3 donors, we'll let you name the name of one of our 3 default avatars within our game*!

*You can choose to opt-out of this, or name it something other than your name, but we do have a final veto over your naming.

Who are we?

We're Andre, Evan, and Christine, and we're the team for FloraGo!. FloraGo! was an idea initially born for the Model Entrepreneurship Competition hosted by Columbia Business School in the summer of 2021. We gave it a shot, and it proved successful as we emerged runners-up from a pool of hundreds of candidates. Following this competition, three of us decided to continue this venture, and develop our enticing idea into a real application. 

Follow us on our socials!




Reach us at floragoapp@gmail.com

Donor Wall3

Edgar Cheng | HK$500

anime waifus

Tonia Kim | HK$100

just for mommy christine

Aiden Howe | HK$500