Fight the Woolly Adelgid!
The hemlocks of Cook Forest State Park have stood for centuries, but could now have their life drained away by the tiniest of predators, the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. Without monitoring and proactive treatment, our iconic giants will die.
HWA has decimated forests from Georgia to Nova Scotia, and many more hemlocks are presently infested. Eastern Hemlock, a foundation species upon which the very character of the surrounding woods and waters depend, is vanishing at a terrible rate. The hemlocks of Cook Forest are are likely the last healthy stand of old-growth forest east of the Mississippi.
Treated hemlocks survive. Even infested trees, if treated timely, usually survive. Cook Forest infestation levels are presently very low - but this will undoubtedly change, and soon.
Don't let these giants die - help protect them for the animals which depend upon them, and for your family, and for their majestic beauty.
All funds donated through this campaign support only our HWA programs. To contribute to our general fund, please visit - thank you!