RONI Feast Of Tabernacles Assignment

THANK YOU for partnering with us, to see ADONAI'S call of gathering the lost sheep of Israel and the call of the nations as One New Man, coming together in unification, in this Sukkot Feast of Tabernacles Assignment!


  1. THE WORSHIP TEAM EFFORTS to honor them for their hard work.

  2. BRINGING FORTH NEW SONGS OF COMFORT AND DELIVERANCE for His people who are grieving in Israel at this difficult time. Bringing them to the altar of worship, where we'll worship the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS!

  3. SUPPORT FOR THE LOGISTICAL ASPECTS and all of the expenses involved with the transportation of a large worship team

RONI International Alliance is recognized as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization in the United States and all donations are 100% tax deductible (for American citizens). All of the funds collected is for ministerial, educational and charitable purposes.