Fag Rag Magazine is a regional, fine art, LGBTQ publication that highlights the creative people who make their city unique. Whether that be through fashion, music, photography or visual art, we explore the many artistic mediums that people use to deliver a thought provoking message. We feature writers who talk about the important topics of the moment and we also serve as a resource guide for the area.
From The Publisher, Tomik Dash:
The Story of Fag Rag Magazine
Ten years ago when I was a spritely little twink with an increasingly popular fashion blog, I decided to turn the blog into a local print magazine for Atlanta. The site had reached a point where it was receiving outside photographic submissions so it seemed like the logical next step. The magazine was called Vagrant. It started off a little rough around the edges, but in the end I have to say, I really did the damn thing. And I had so much fun with it! I traveled to NY and London Fashion Weeks and brought the inspiration that I absorbed back home to put into the mag. Eventually I grew tired of that world and Vagrant’s run came to an end.
I always knew that I wanted to do another mag but not just for the sake of doing it. It needed to be niche and have a point-of-view. One summer, after living in NYC for several years and coming out to Fire Island for just as long, I was walking down the boardwalk in Fire Island Pines and admiring the charm of all of the event posters stapled to the telephone poles. I thought about how difficult it can be to know what is happening on the island if you aren’t physically out there. I also thought about how many different micro-communities there are that sometimes don’t even cross paths. That’s it! This would be the perfect place to start a new magazine.
Fast forward to September of 2020 where I successfully published four issues that were very well received. So well received in fact that businesses in Provincetown were asking if they could carry it. After doing a lot of research and finding a kick-ass Creative Director, I launched an issue in PTown the following year!
Help Take The Magazine To The Next Level
I enjoy everything about the creative side of the magazine. Conceptualizing each issue and working with a graphic designer on the layout puts me into my happy place. However, sourcing advertisers is not my forte. And even if it was, I don’t have the time to keep up with it. It’s also hard to find experienced people for the job to work strictly for commission.
If this fundraising campaign reaches its goal I can hire an ad sales rep AND produce and print 10 monthly magazines this summer; 5 in Fire Island and 5 in Provincetown.
Your sponsorship helps to:
Cover operating expenses. (Website hosting, domain, GSuite, Quickbooks, CRM, Adobe Creative Suite, stamps.com, Shutterstock, etc.)
Cover production costs. (Printing, shipping, distribution, etc)
Hire an experienced Ad Sales Rep. This is what will really make the magazine able to stand on it's own two feet!
Pay the Creative Director in Provincetown.
Pay LGBTQ writers, artists, photographers and contributors.
Individual Sponsorships Levels
The cost of a bacon, egg and cheese with a coffee… in Chelsea.
- You will have our undying love for your support. Every difference makes a difference!
$10 Monthly - Bronze Sponsor
Come on! You spend at least that on Onlyfans. No? That’s just me? This will help cover operational expenses that help produce exciting new LGBTQ print media!
- Name listed in all 2022 magazines and on website as a Bronze Sponsor.
- 2 Limited Edition Premium Quality Print magazines of your choice.
This feels like a virtual hug. Thank you so much.
- A Fag Rag Mag logo sticker. Put it on your work laptop. ;)
$20 Monthly - Silver Sponsor
Are we supporting and sustaining Black-owned small business for the long-term? Yaaaass!!
- Name listed in all 2022 magazines and on website as a Silver Sponsor.
- All 5 Limited Edition Premium Quality Print magazines.
- 1 Fag Rag Fire Island Tote Bag of your choice.
- 1 Fag Rag Mag logo sticker and our undying love for your support.
This is a big help in covering immediate operational costs. You’re a gem!
- 1 Limited Edition Premium Quality Print magazine of your choice.
$50 Monthly - Gold Sponsor
This is what supporting the arts in a community that you love looks like!
- Name listed in all 2022 magazines and on website as a Gold Sponsor.
- 2 copies each of all 5 Limited Edition Premium Quality Print magazines.
- 1 Limited Edition hardcover Fire Island Coloring Book.
- 1 of each of the Fag Rag Fire Island Tote Bags.
- Fag Rag Mag logo sticker and our eternal love for your support.
Step by step, page by page, bringing queer media into it’s golden age.
- 2 Limited Edition Premium Quality Print magazines of your choice OR 1 Limited Edition hardcover Fire Island Coloring Book.
Thank you for empowering us to make sure that queer artists and contributors are paid!
- All 5 Limited Edition Premium Quality Print magazines.
- 1 Limited Edition hardcover Fire Island Coloring Book.
We can’t build a nest egg without the nest. Thank you for helping Fag Rag continue to build out it’s foundation.
- 2 copies each of all 5 Limited Edition Premium Quality Print magazines.
- 2 Limited Edition hardcover Fire Island Coloring Books.
$1000 - Platinum Sponsor
You’re a legend, you’re an icon, you are the moment. You’re also really helping build up that reserve that goes toward hiring an experienced ad sales representative. Thus helping expand the business!
- Name listed in magazine and on website as a Platinum Sponsor.
- 2 copies each of all 5 Limited Edition Premium Quality Print magazines.
- 2 Limited Edition Premium Quality Print mags of all 2022 upcoming releases.
- 2 Limited Edition hardcover Fire Island Coloring Books.
- 1 of each Fag Rag Fire Island Tote Bags.
- Fag Rag Mag logo sticker and our eternal love for your support.
This sponsorship allows us to produce and print 1,500 copies of the mag in the town of your choice. We will be able to pay a Creative Director, the graphic designer, contributors and for distribution!
Name listed in the masthead as Guest Editor-At-Large.
Collaborate on the content of the issue.
Special thank you from the EIC in the Letter from The Editor.
Option to write your own Letter From Guest Editor.
All of the Platinum Sponsor Perks.
Please inquire about business sponsorships for great deals on print advertising!
Support art in the communities that you love!
These fundraisers are making a difference
Show your support and fundraise today to achieve our goals!
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