Thank you all for your generosity.
We keep you all updated on Facebook and Instagram with photos and videos of the children.
We have been helping 1000s of Ukrainian children and their families since the war broke out in February 2022.
To see more regular updates on our work, please visit:
We just wanted to share a few photos here. We are forever grateful. Please continue to help. The need keeps growing! We receive 100s of messages daily for assistance.
We are just $23,361 away from breaking $700,000!!!
We asked the moms in Ukraine whose children are in our program to make a video for Mothers Day!
We hope you enjoy it!
Happy Mother's Day and we hope that you continue to help these children and many many more!
#mayashope #ukraine
A special thanks to Julie, Kai, Kenzo and Mika, and Maddalena, and to everyone who is fundraising for the children of Ukraine!
Their mama wrote us:
"Good day. Today is just an incredibly wonderful day for my children !!! Today my son said "the happiest day of my life!" Today there is so much joy that it can be shared with everyone !!!
When we gathered and decided to run away from our house, we took with us only medicine, food and a blanket to cover when we had to spend the night in the yard, we walked to the border and across the border is a long distance, so there was no talk of taking toys. , left everything at home ...
When we arrived at the destination, went to the supermarket for groceries, my children's eyes were always directed to the department where the toys were, but tried to distract them to inadvertently shift attention to something else, because money was used strictly for food and medicine. What was the joy of my children when I announced that today we are going to choose our toys. They could not believe it, asked: "what do we have money?")) She replied that the benefactors of Maya Hope are always in a hurry to help). Thank you for making a holiday for our children, thank you for allowing them to choose the toys they liked, they are very happy! Recently, my special son turned 14, he received his dream gifts today."
Добрий день. Сьогодні просто неймовірно чудовий день для моїх дітей!!! Сьогодні сказав мій син "найщасливіший день в житті!" Сьогодні радості стільки, що нею можна поділитися з усіма!!!
Коли ми зібралися та наважились тікати з нашого дому, ми взяли з собою тільки ліки, їжу і плед щоб накритися коли доведеться ночувати на дворі, ми йшли пішки до кордону і через кордон це велика відстань, тому про те щоб брати іграшки не було і мови, залишили усе вдома...
Коли приїхали вже до місця призначення, ходили за продуктами у магазин супермаркет, погляди моїх дітей завжди були направлені на відділ де були іграшки, але старалася їх відтягнути, щоб непомітно перевести увагу на щось інше, бо гроші використовували строго на їжу і ліки. Яка була радість моїх дітей коли я повідомила, що сьогодні йдемо вибирати собі іграшки. Вони не могли повірити, питали:" а що у нас є гроші?")) Відповіла, що благодійники Мая Хоуп завжди спішать допомогти). Дякую вам що зробили свято для наших дітей, дякую, що дозволили їм обрати ті іграшки що були їм до вподоби, вони дуже щасливі! Нещодавно моєму особливому синочку виповнилося 14 років, він отримав свої омріяні подарунки сьогодні.
For more updates like this:
#mayashope #ukraine #speadhope #spreadjoy
Serhii is currently hospitalized and urgently needed medicines which we were able to provide with your support. ❤
"Good day. One day we woke up and saw terrible news, the war started in our country! They tried not to frighten the children not to panic, they immediately gathered everything they needed, but out of shock she didn't even know what was necessary, grabbed her son's medicine and a couple of things and went to my parents in the village, hoping we would be safe there. But there almost every day, several times a day we ran to the basement, because the siren sounded. We decided to leave the country so as not to endanger our children and not to see the horror in their eyes. We drove with almost nothing, because we crossed the border on foot and took them with us at a minimum. We were going nowhere, we didn't know where, the main goal was to escape the war. We slept on the floor at the station waiting for the next train, we finally got to the final stop (Omitted for privacy), fortunately we were offered to live in an apartment people who are now in (Omitted for privacy) and their homes are empty. We thought about how to be with food, with medicines and hygiene products, what to do, because it's not like here in Ukraine, it's expensive here, there's no work, no money, but you, our dear benefactors Maya's Hope, came to our aid. You gave us money so that we could buy everything we need, we now have something to eat, we have something to wash our children and ourselves, in a few days we will be able to buy vital medicines for our son.
Thank you sincerely, mother, for never leaving us alone with trouble, always helping and supporting. Thank you! Yura and other children are now smiling, happy, not afraid, full and clean and with the necessary medicine. Thank you for giving hope, may God bless you all!"
(translated by Google translate)
Victoria has cerebral palsy. Her mother was recently able to buy supplies thanks to your help.
Her mother wrote:
"I bought meat and lard at the market. And they are very happy, they have not eaten meat for a long time."
Please continue to help.
These kids smile because you care.
From our partner:
"And baby Vladimir (last name) with cerebral palsy, and now he was very ill, he suffered. These drugs saved his life. There is a receipt."
И еще малыш Владимир с ДЦП, а сейчас сильно приболел, мучался. Эти лекарства спасли ему жизнь . Чек есть.
Let's keep helping these kids in Ukraine!
As I post these photos... you see a light in them. They don't understand what is happening outside of their home.
Prices are skyrocketing, shelling is nonstop... and still, these children have light in them.
Let's keep giving hope to these kids and their families.
#PrayersForUkraine #mayashope #ukraine #hope #LetsMakeMiracles
"Thank you very much for being with us !!! For support and help, I don't know what we would do without you !!! Health to you and peaceful skies !!!!"
Вам велике дякую, що ви з нами!!! За підтримку та допомогу, не знаю, щоб ми без вас робили!!! Здоров'я вам та мирного неба!!!!
(Timestamp purposely left on photo.)
Olya is on our team. We just received this email.
"Olya, good afternoon! Yesterday and today, there was a little less shelling, we managed to go out and buy what was in the stores. We bought everything that a large family needs now and what was available in the store since tomorrow it is not guaranteed to be available tomorrow.
Cereals, pasta, sausage, and some other products were bought from locals at the place where we are now. I write everything on a piece of paper, where there are no checks.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank everyone who has a heart with Ukraine, who helps financially, or with a prayer.
You have no idea what colossal support this is, thank you a million times, I hug your entire team. Thank you for letting me believe that we are not alone."
Оля, добрый день! Вчера, сегодня немного меньше обстрелы, удалось выехать и закупить то, что было в магазинах. Покупали все, что необходимо сейчас большой семье и что было в наличии в магазине так как завтра не факт, что это все будет.
Крупы, макароны, колбасу и некоторые продукты купили по месту, где мы сейчас пребываем, все пишу на листике, там где нет чеков.
От всего сердца благодарю каждого, кто сердцем с Украиной, кто помогает финансово, молитвенно.
Вы не представляете, какая колоссальная поддержка, миллион раз благодарю, обнимаю всю Вашу команду. Благодарю, что даёте верю, что мы не одни.
Сделала немного фото, прилагаю их к письму и чеки.
Let's keep going!!!!!
As the war in Ukraine intensifies, so do our efforts to help the children in Ukraine at Maya's Hope.
There are some updates we can share, some we don't have yet. Some photos we can easily share, and some we need to blur the faces of the kids (because I personally want to be sure their privacy is protected if they are in public bomb shelters). We will provide updates as we can but please know the situation is fluid.
Many of our families are sheltering in place, in their cellars. Others have left their towns and villages and are moving west. Each family is living their own experience of the war, and we are in touch with them to understand how to best support their needs.
Again, thank you for your support.
We have raised $42,286.08 in Donorbox in just a few days. As needs escalate in line with the crisis, we kindly ask that you keep donating.
Your donations allow us to keep sending aid.
I have also created a Facebook Fundraiser so that people can easily donate on Facebook. These donations will be entered manually into our main Donorbox campaign so that donors can see the grand total. Updates will be posted in both campaigns.
Now is the time that we have to help.
It has been just a few days since Ukraine declared a state of emergency. We have, as of today Wednesday, sent $24,300.00 in aid to the families in our program for medicines, formula, food, water, hygiene, and gas. Many delivery companies and suppliers are not working due to the danger of rocket attacks, and so we have sent funds directly to our partners and families in our program. We have provided a large cash influx to our partners who are distributing to families as well as to the regional children's hospital in Zaporizhzhia, which is a city on the Dnieper River in southeastern Ukraine.
So far, none of the orphanages that Maya's Hope has supported have chosen to evacuate. The news from Solnishko, the baby orphanage in Zaporizhzhia is that there are many hands helping and that they are doing okay. We will keep you updated as we know more.
Our commitment to children in need in Ukraine remains steadfast.
Please note that the funds in the Maya's Hope Ukraine Emergency Fund are 100% allocated to the efforts in Ukraine. The only administrative costs are the processing fees for Donorbox and credit card transactions. Donorbox also gives donors the option to pay for those admin fees. There is 0% transaction fees for Facebook, but please note the funds can take up to a month to be received by Maya's Hope. When you donate on Donorbox, the funds are received immediately.
You may know that Maya's Hope also does work in the Philippines. Rest assured, these programs are still going strong and our team is still helping these children - interviews are happening daily, orders are being sent out daily. The funds raised for these children in the Philippines are allocated solely to the program in the Philippines.
Thank you all for your messages, your emails, your kind words. I may not be able to answer them all right away, so thank you for understanding. Our focus now is making sure the children and families we support in Ukraine are safe, receiving basic needs, and have hope.
We are also receiving an outpouring of messages of gratitude from the families.
Thank you for allowing Maya's Hope to be their ray of hope.
- Maya Crauderueff, President & Founder of Maya's Hope
But, we must stay strong and have hope.
They need your help.
News from one of the mothers in our program yesterday morning (3/1/2022) from Kaharlyk, Kyiv region.
"The situation is difficult, we go to the cellar, because the sirens. Now we are going to our shelter again. Russia and Belarus are now furious, aiming at the towers, aiming at the telephone tower. Inflicting and shelling residential buildings, killing civilians. This is horror. So far I haven't managed to buy much, I don't have products on the shelves. But I managed to buy some. Yesterday one chicken was distributed free of charge. We have a chicken. And I managed to buy 5 loaves of home-made bread".
"Ситуація складна,ходимо в погреб ,бо сирени.Зараз знову збираємся в наше укриття. Росія і Білорусія зараз лютує,цілить в вишки,поцілили в телефон вежу.Наносять і обстрілюють житлові будинки,вбивають мирних жителів.Це жахіття. Купити покищо вдалось не багато,не має на полицях продуктів.Та дещо вдалося прикупити. Вчора роздавали безкоштовно по одній курці .То маємо курку. І вдалося через дитяті руки придбати 5 буханок хліба. Чеки на продукти,що вдалося купити зараз скину."
Thank you to all who have donated so far.
Here again, is the link:
Thank you also, to those who are fundraising on behalf of Maya's Hope. We are incredibly grateful.
Thank you all for donating! We are getting many more requests so please keep donating!!!
Just wanted to share some smiling beautiful faces from Ukraine.
They received their items in the past day. We purposely left the time stamp on one of the photos.
1st Julie Kobak $6,476.41 raised 3 donations
2nd Kai, Kenzo And Mika Placek $5,510.80 raised 56 donations
3rd Elisabeth Melnitchenko Tuil $4,760.20 raised 29 donations
4th Maddalena Shollenberger $3,374.10 raised 17 donations
5th Heidi Wojtowicz $2,557.48 raised 3 donations
6th Michael Meltzer $1,720.86 raised 19 donations
You can also help us to achieve our goals!
I want to fundraise for this