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Earthquake Emergency Assistance

Hello my friends, I will keep it simple. This is me writing after my conversation with my family in Syria. 

The citizens affected by this earthquake are people like you and I. 

They feel pain, hunger, cold, fear. They have hearts, and those people are hurting. 

So many of us feel for these people who are affected in the places that this earthquake hit. My heart is shattered hearing the stories live from my family in Syria. 

The most thing that hurts me is that politics prevent different groups from going and helping out in Syria. Some places are unfortunately more favored for receiving donations to reach the people who are suffering. Isn't that insane?!  

I am far away from Syria and Turkey physically, but my heart is in pain and in so much desire to DO something now. 

This is a place where you can give from your heart to these people. EVERYTHING helps. Your prayers, your money, your love.

Every single thought counts. 

If you are reading this right now, and you feel blessed in your life to have shelter, clean water, and food in your fridge, and you want to share some of your merits, please do so. 

I pray that every single dollar I receive from you goes exactly where it needs to go to make someone smile. 

This is all that matters to me. I am crying as I write this, and I have so much fire in my body to create and help, so I decided to use this energy in writing this and initiating this sacred space to bring more well-being to those we can reach. 

Thank you for reading. Thank you for feeling for your sisters and brothers out there. Thank you for your attention and love. 

May all your donations return to you 10000+infinite fold.