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Help us drive toward a better world where transportation is not a barrier to anyone's health, education, or happiness.

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CVC CodeThe 3-4 digits on the back of your credit card
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You can log in to edit your recurring donation any time

Dial-A-Bus is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible. Our EIN is 26-4836268
Your Impact

Here is a wonderful example of the impact this fundraiser can have on people. 

We got a call from an 87 year old woman who lives in Otter Rock, 60 miles from Corvallis where she needed to go. There actually is a public transportation route that would get her there, it would just take about 10 hours. 87 years old, lives off her social security, and spends her days planting flowers in her neighbors' yards… 

Imagine how freeing it was for her to hear our dispatcher say that we would pick her up, wait for the appointment, and get her back home at no cost to her. Better yet, her driver could get away with buying her dinner and doing any chores he noticed needed doing.

You did this by supporting Dial-A-Bus and our clients. You made sure this 87 year old woman feels safe and cared for. You made sure our big-hearted driver can just keep doing what he does, because helping people feels right and light bulbs need to be changed.