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Dr. Taleb Barghouthi

While Dr. Barghouthi has a responsibility to his patients in maintaining his clinical practice, he is dedicated to pursuing research in hair loss. His responsibilities limit the time available for research days and associated costs. 

Financial support will help accelerate research of hair restoration and scarless wound healing so that Dr. Barghouthi and his team can recruit and sponsor more patients and free up more clinic time for research. 

Future plans are in order to test Verteporfin further with varying doses, methods of administration, and with a FUT candidate in addition to his initial tests with FUE candidates.

Each experiment varies between roughly 12,500 USD – 15,000 USD. This accounts for medication and equipment, staff operative costs, follow ups, and use of dermoscopy. 

Financial incentives are also offered to volunteers in return for their cooperation. 

Your support is wholeheartedly appreciated.