Plainsboro Library is embarking on an exciting journey with our More For Everyone campaign, where we empower community members to choose & support the programs and services they’d like to see & use at Plainsboro Library by contributing to our Giving Registry. It's your library, your way!
In 2023, Plainsboro Library introduced several exciting initiatives like the Seed Library, Library of Things, Passport Services, Senior Social Club, Tech 101, and Museum Passes, while also having celebrations for Diwali and the Lunar New Year.
With the YES Project anticipated to be completed in 2024, we would appreciate your support in helping us bring more new programs & services for everyone at the library—and now you can choose exactly where your money goes
With our Giving Registry, you can choose to donate to:
- iPads/Tablets
- Free Tutoring and College Prep Events
- Makerspace / Innovation Center
- Museum Pass: The Intrepid Museum and Insectropolis
- Festival of the Arts
- Expanding 3D Printing: Resin & Large
- LoT: Telescope
- Special Needs Programs and Support
- More Programs for Seniors!
- More e-Books! Popular titles!
- More BOOKS! Popular titles!
- Water Bottle Refilling Station and Water Fountain
You can track the progress of each item on plainsborolibrary.org/give to see what items have met their fundraising goal and what still need your support.
Thank you for your continued support in making Plainsboro Library a vibrant hub for our community!
Curt Emmich, Foundation President
Plainsboro, NJ Tax-exempt since 2006 - EIN: 01-0860991
Donor Wall8
Katherine Kish
The Library is excellent and so important to the community.
Sameer Lal | $104.42
Andrew Cosma | $26.34
Anand | $10
Thank you very much for the great services
Vincent | $100
Shirley Hailstock | $100
Vincent | $1