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Donations For Coffee Fuel & Inspirational Content - Fuel A Dreamer who would be a King. 2

Joshua J Hitching lives off a Humble Disability and has Schizophrenia but wishes to rise above. 
He wishes to have writing as a hobby and profession but has creative ideas of his own and wishes to realize the dreamer in himself to do this some survival money has to be in play as well as equipment to better and elongate his time writing currently using an older computer and it is functional and good yes but things wear out and hard to afford with that being said; Joshua would like to get new equipment survive with multiple disabilities he lives with such as Diabetes Type 2 and Schizophrenia to name a couple of his ailments. 

Very positive individual despite mental health challenges however busy keeping up with health and requires leniency on free time to do things can type entire poems in 5 minutes or more perhaps 10 minutes or less fast thinker intelligent wishes to write more initial donations may help with funding the website and certain lite coffee purchases and just maintaining life would appreciate every little chip into Success.

Please consider; that Joshua has self-published 2 books working on a Third and types extensively to encourage friends and maintain a social demeanor however loves to write and spend time alone to recharge that way too however is a bit of an Introvert/Extrovert combination.

Project Tempest is underway and semi-regular postings of the book will be on

-Joshua Jay Hitching. Writer of "The Webrunner" Circa January 17th 2017.