Donate to Support Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary
Please help support the rescue and outreach efforts of Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so your donation is 100% tax-deductible. You can sponsor one of our residents for a set amount per week, month, or year, or offer a one-time donation. Thank you so much for joining us in making the world better for farm animals. We appreciate you!
Donor Wall502
Robbie Vermillion | $26.34
December Mooket Blissfulenergyart333
Leandro Chavira | $25/M
Get well soon, Chris!
Jackie Grimes | $208.28
Natalie Cuchetti | $21.29/M
Appreciate all you do for the animals ❤️
Proud Pickles
Mini Vistas | $25
Cayla Craig | $26.34
Pink Poppy Lane Co December Moo-Ket
Jenuine Delight Handmade LLC | $25
Soulicious Vegan Kitchen | $52.37
Radha's Kitchen | $62.78
Berryland LLC | $60
Imo’s Bakery | $25/M
Imo’s Bakery
Jean Ann Stewart | $25
A Beetle's Burden | $26.34
Beverly Sarki | $30/Y
For Andre 🤍
Carolyn English | $21.29
Darren C | $21.13
Varsanarani Myers | $5.52/M
Trisha | $10.90/M
For Andre
Jenuine Delight Handmade LLC | $25
Debbie Kogan | $21.13
For baby Artie❤️
Cindy Chic | $10
Nicky Shields | $21.13
For Artie x
Barrie | $10
I dont understand how anyone can do this to these beautiful animals. Too bad we cant put them in a kill pen.
For the Mama’s and babies! People suck.
Kiera Canciani | $20/M
Donation for the baby horses and mom in the kill pen 😫
Anonymous | $21.08
For the mom & baby