Donate to Support Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary

Please help support the rescue and outreach efforts of Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so your donation is 100% tax-deductible. You can sponsor one of our residents for a set amount per week, month, or year, or offer a one-time donation. Thank you so much for joining us in making the world better for farm animals. We appreciate you!

Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary is a registered nonprofit with the state of Florida and is designated as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization by the IRS. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall502

Glorified Givers | $11.91/M

For the Mamma and baby horses in the kill pen. The baby isn’t an orphan ‼️

Jennifer | $25

For the mama and baby in the kill pen!!!

Vanessa | $500

Sherry Malaver Parada | $62.62

If I did $5 per month it would come out to 60 in a year. I will give you 60 today for the mama and baby you are trying to save.

Caitlin | $10.70/M

Caitlin | $156.07

michelle j | $50/M

Sonia | $22

Gifted Givers | $25

Visiting Critter Creek and Critter Hill was the best birthday present I ever gave myself. I honor and respect you all for loving and providing a safe, healthy home for all the moo-people and critter residents. Thank You 🧚🏼‍♀️


Cows are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!! Thank you for saving so many beautiful souls!!! Vegan girl in Dallas xoxo

Jenuine Delight Handmade | $25

Korrin | $3.62/M

Michelle Kaleita | $52.23

For Henry

Ching McColligan

You all rock! Please continue to show your compassion and kindness - it definitely shows the way to becoming a vegan. Visiting your sanctuary early on in my vegan journey helped me tremendously.

libra max | $920/M

Jason | $100

Miriam Reed | $5.50/M

Julia | $15.89

Kathleen Cook | $10/M

Helen Blue-Redner | $50

I was so touched by your kindness and caring. Thank you so much. I rescue cats on a teacher’s salary. I’ve now vaccinated and spayed 18 cats. We all do what needs to be done—those of us with a heart. Your organization is wonderful.

Gregory | $52.23

Barbara | $20

Ffs! Don’t let the buggers get you down!

Michelle | $20

Jaclyn Kaier-Ratliff | $1,000

To help get the equipment back up and running.

Julie Dimambro | $25

All you had to do was ask 🥳😉😂🥰

Marissa Atkinson | $31.46/M

Moo people are friends not food!🧡

Proud Pickles

Love Critter Creek

Samantha Romano

Radha's Kitchen | $62.62

Jenuine Delight Handmade LLC | $25

Jenuine Delight Handmade LLC