While we do generate some income from our various works, we rely primarily on God's Providence and the generous support of our benefactors, without which we would be unable to sustain our life of Adoration and Intercession.
We are deeply grateful for all Donations and remember our benefactors in our Holy Masses, Liturgy and Adoration.
Please complete the Donate Form on the right to to make a secure Credit/Debit Card donation. Use the 'Message/Prayer Intention' section to add additional information if you wish (e.g. a special intention you would like us to pray for).
Alternatively, you can make a donation by bank transfer, using our bank details below:
Payee/Account Name & Address: Monastery of St Catherine of Siena; The Twenties, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 KR84.
IBAN: IE24 BOFI 9033 2221 7070 21
Bank Name & Address: Bank of Ireland; 14 St Laurence Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth.