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Help Laura's Detrans Activism🦎
De-Trans Awareness in New Mexico Updates

Hello my funky friends, thank you for helping make it possible for me to travel to New Mexico this summer! The work we did here was quite successful and had lasting impact. 

Here's what we accomplished:

1. Q&A With Parents At New Mexico Freedoms Alliance: Watch it Here

2. Q&A With Moms for Liberty Albuquerque

3. Q&A With Concerned citizens at The Source

4. Did Street Activism Distributing Info Cards About Gender Ideology in Schools  

5. Had Interview with Conservative ABQ Radio Show

6. Did Personal Healing for Childhood Trauma 

My next steps are to travel to Orlando, Florida for 2 weeks in August, then share my story at Let Women Speak in Austin TX! 

My fundraiser efforts are now turning attending the Women's Declaration International Conference this September! I have been invited to speak, but will need about 600$ for travel and lodgings. 

Any help on that front is appreciated. Thank you everyone for all your contributions and the hard work that you do! 



Edited 06/15/2023
De-Trans Awareness Summer Has Begun!

I need your help to continue de-trans advocacy this summer. I am traveling to New Mexico and Florida to do some exciting de-trans awareness work! I will be working with organizations like Moms for Liberty and other parenting groups to facilitate speaking events for de-trans activism, and fighting gender ideology. Plans are also being worked on to facilitate events in Arizona, with screenings of the rebranded film Affirmation Generation, now titled No Way Back: The Realities of Gender-Affirming Care. 

Groundbreaking plans are being formulated for activist efforts in the anti-woke state of Florida, where I will be organizing with other de-transitioners to commune with politicians, lobbyists, parents, and other media on these important topics. 

I will need about $3000.00 to cover airfare, travel, food, logistics, merch, and other necessities this summer. As I will be unable to work normally, I will be cutting into my own savings. Contribute what you can to this vital cause to turn the tide on gender affirmation and public ignorance about de-transition. Every donation helps me move forward and allows me to create more essays, videos, posts, interviews, and events. 

I appreciate your continued support of me, and the plight of all de-transitioners and those harmed by the gender industry. Donate today and share this campaign with friends, family, and on social media. Raising awareness is the only way to create the change we want to see. 

Don't forget to grab your own De-Trans Awareness activist merch while you're at it. Protest shirts, flags, hats, stickers, pins, mugs, and more are available in my Etsy shop, along with post-woke and funky goods and apparel. 

Thank you everyone, 

With Love, 


Uk Trip and Genspect Conference Were a MAJORLY Funky Success!

Hi friends and supporters, I'm sending this campaign update to share that my most ambitious advocacy effort yet--traveling to Ireland for Genspect's Bigger Picture conference-- was a wonderful success. The conference was packed full of some of the most insightful and thoughtful minds in this movement, see the photos of everyone hanging out below! 

I had the honor of speaking on a de-transition panel hosted by Benjamin Boyce, and got to meet de-transitioners Helena Kirshner, Ritchie Herron, Camille Keifel, Michelle somenuanceplease, and many new de-transitioners coming forward such as Jet, a pediatric survivor of the Dutch Protocol. Watch the de-transitioner panel here: and find all lectures from the conference uploaded on Genspect's Youtube channel. 

The conference was such a powerful communal experience that I decided to extend my trip another 3 weeks to travel around England and Scotland. While in England, I connected with feminists and even hung out with infamous de-transitioner, Kiera Bell! I stayed with LGB advocate and satirist Mr. Menno, and we recorded a livestream discussion about genuine gay male sexuality vs. a female fantasy of being a gay trans man:

After England, I went to TERF Island--Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland! I stayed with Malcolm Clark of The LGB Alliance, and networked with many badass feminists from For Women Scotland. I did an interview for the Scottish press on the affirmation model, and experienced some much needed healing and personal growth traveling outside of the US for the first time. 

Thank you to everyone who donated to the campaign during this time! Thanks to your generosity, I was able to attend the conference and build lasting friendships and connections with a broad network of changemakers, and spread a lot of awareness within the community, of my own. 

Although I was quite exhausted after an entire month of traveling, I'm inspired to continue doing this work even more boldly, and have many plans in the works for future projects! My plans right now are to travel to New Mexico and Florida to explore those areas as potential areas to live :D along with of course, doing more awareness work. Your continued support goes directly these sorts of events, and allows me to continue creating more writings, podcasts, videos, interviews, and advocacy merch. Stay tuned for more updates on what I will have cooking very soon. 

Thank you all so much, 


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