David Sauger Ministries Official Launch
David is an Ordained Minister, accomplished pianist and worship leader. For over two decades he has served as a full-time minister and traveled to over 25 countries, providing musical and ministerial leadership in countless worship services, crusades, evangelical gatherings and television tapings. David is a graduate of North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Church Music. David is excited to announce the launch of David Sauger Ministries which will create a platform for him to operate independently as an itinerant minister. David Sauger Ministries operates solely from free-will offerings and the support of partnering churches. David is scheduled to appear in multiple cities around the US and is thrilled to be returning to the country of Brazil in March of this year. Plans for a new recording are also underway. Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support as he steps into this new season of ministry.