During the 22/23 school year, the Coral Foundation for Excellence in Education (a 501 (c)3 organization run by a group of volunteer parents) is committed to contributing funds raised towards upgrades, repairs and maintenance of Coral Community Charter School.
The “Giving Thanks! Pledge Drive” is an opportunity for you, your family, friends, or place of business to help support our school without requiring a lot of your time! Last year, our INCREDIBLE Coral community raised over $10K!
This year, the theme of our 2nd annual “Giving Thanks! Pledge Drive” is "Help secure the playground!" and it runs from October 18th to December 14th! With your help, the Coral Foundation is excited to help support the construction of a new security wall around our playground. A new wall will improve the security, safety, and privacy of our children, as well as offer fun new opportunities to our Art programs!
Your tax-deductible donations are critical in ensuring that we can continue to support our staff and students. Since its inception, the Foundation has helped raise funds for upgrades to the security system, HVAC units, flooring for classrooms, stucco for the building, and upgrades to the atrium just to name a few projects.
Starting October 18th, all donors will be entered to win gift cards, gift baskets & other fun prizes for pledges received. The drawing will take place on December 15th. Winners will be contacted directly and announced on our Foundation Facebook page www.facebook.com/cfeeabq.
Questions or interested in offering a matching donation as well? Email: foundation@coralcharter.com