Since we started more than 5 years ago All Grown Up KE has been trying to wrap our heads around a way to get cloth diapers to Kenyan our families that have the ability to use them. Cloth can be a great option for some of our families who have more stable housing and employment.
We’ve also talked to a lot of donors who want to pass their donations of cloth diapers on to little ones in need. Today we’re happy to announce a partnership that addresses both needs! We now accept donations to purchase clean cloth diapers at All Grown Up. As a nonprofit, we rely on the support of our donors and sponsors to continue our mission. We are working with the wonderful donors and sponsors to create programs to get these donations to low-income families in vulnerable area who are able to use cloth.
Statement of Need:
The cost of diapering a single child in disposable diapers in Kenya totals $20 per month. Based on conversations with families and resource centres we believe this number is actually much higher. For families experiencing financial challenges, this cost is often out of reach and can result in caregivers not changing diapers often enough or reusing dirty disposable diapers. This serious problem has been labelled ‘diaper need.’
Diaper need is defined by the inability for caregivers to provide clean diapers to an infant or child and has grave implications, including: poor child health (urinary tract infections among other health problems), severe diaper rash and blistering, poor child mood, poor maternal mental health, and a resulting barrier to maternal-child bonding.
Cloth diapering is a cost-effective alternative to using disposable diapers and has many benefits beyond the lower cost. Unfortunately, there is a high up-front cost because of the need to purchase all the diapers, covers and other supplies right at the outset. For families already facing budget restraints, this is often not an option.
Our Goal:
Our goal is to help create self reliance and alleviate financial burden in Kenyan families by providing cloth diapers and other support resources.
How we work:
All Grown Up provides gentte cloth diapers to Kenyan families who indicate that they have the need and desire to use cloth diapers. Our cloth diapering kits include cloth inserts, diaper covers, diaper liners and other cloth diapering necessities. The vulnerable families are able to find us and connect with us through our Facebook page, Instagram page, word of mouth, and referrals from location social service providers with which we have partnered.
These families then fill out a simple application form for donations. Once the application has been reviewed we connect with the families to arrange for their kit to either be picked up or delivered directly to their homes. In their kit they receive a basic but complete cloth diapering kit as well as educational resources to support their cloth diapering journey.
Our work is geared by donations from individuals here every dollar helps the vulnerable families to grow stronger. Through your donated dollars we will be able to purchase cloth diapers from wholesalers and distribute them to the vulnerable communities.
We are very committed to ensuring that the vulnerable families have access to the proper educational resources to have success in cloth diapering. We also include an information pamphlet in the box that the family gets with their cloth diapers this helps to get the family started with cloth diapering that very day as well as providing extensive information about cloth diapering for future reference. All Grown Up KE also make this available and additional resources through our website and provide an email address that beneficiaries can write to at any time and is monitored 7 days a week by experienced cloth diaper educators.
Make a Donation
By supporting our organization you are helping to provide clean diapers to families who need them most - alleviating the devastating effects of diaper need and improving child and family well-being. We are so grateful for your generosity.