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Donate $25 to gift a Ugandan family a warm Christmas meal and ignite hope in the hearts of people for generations.

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Christmas Gift Baskets!

In this advent season, we embark on a journey of remembrance and celebration. 

We remember and celebrate Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, born as a babe to a virgin mother Mary and fulfilling every prophesy written of the coming Messiah. 

We remember and celebrate Emmanuel, meaning God with us, as the maker of heaven and earth, and how, in His mercy and steadfast love, He sent His one and only Son to dwell with all people and reconcile all humankind to Himself. 

We remember and celebrate the life Jesus walked as He dwelt among people, satisfied needs, filled the hungry, brought peace to the weary, healed the broken, downtrodden, and diseased, and restored hope to all people for generations and generations. 

And we, in response to this great mercy and loving kindness, intentionally seek to honor, love, and glorify God with us in this season and all the seasons to come.

We radically believe that the Holy Spirit, dwelling within and among us, transforms us into the likeness of Jesus Himself – in thought, in action, in word, and in heart. 

And so, as God sent His son – as fully human and fully God – to dwell among all people and to walk in ways of kindness and grace, extending and pouring out Himself to nourish, establish, and reconcile others, we too seek to walk, with the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, in the same ways. 

In recent months, as a result of the war in Ukraine and internal conflict within the country, Uganda’s commodities and necessities have nearly doubled in price.

As Christmas approaches, many families throughout the country will struggle to provide a much-anticipated Christmas meal for their family. While the struggle for food ensues, another desire is pressing on their minds: a wish for a family photo to display in their homes.

Throughout rural Uganda, photos are only taken on major holidays via a traveling photographer. While most families would love to have their photo taken, they must prioritize food. With the sacrifice of a small luxury, generations have failed to see themselves in a single photo. 

Our desire is to satisfy their physical need, bring peace to their struggle, share their beauty in a snapshot, and ignite hope in their hearts. 

For this season, we will be serving the rural village of Lwebitakuli, in the district of Sembabule, in the central region of Uganda. Consider joining with us to serve the families of Lwebitakuli this holiday season.

With every $25 donation, a Christmas meal for a family in need will be distributed, accompanied by a family portrait.

Each Christmas gift basket will contain: 2 kg rice, 2 kg sugar, 1 packet of spaghetti, 1 loaf of bread, a small container of butter, a half-liter of cooking oil, 1 packet of seasoning, 2 packets of salt, 1 bar of soap, and 1 fully living and healthy chicken for a family to enjoy on Christmas day. 

Our desire as Abaana Photos ministry is to engage in rural and remote communities, integrate and assess needs, and collectively find and create sustainable solutions to empower change and restore hope for generations and generations. We seek to testify through photography and storytelling of the transformation that occurs through time, empathy, and God's abounding grace.