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Children of the Wolves

Children of the Wolves will follow a group of high school students in Boise, ID who are on the front lines of one of the most controversial wildlife issues in the US - wolf reintroduction and management. When these students discover that their adopted wolf pack has been killed, they take a deep dive into the world of wolf politics. Their journey is full of unexpected twists, as they navigate pubic hearings and testimony, organize protests, and establish alliances across Idaho and the US.

This film’s director is Wild Lens Collective member Barb Kuensting. Barb is extremely passionate about this topic and she has already established deep bonds of trust with the film's characters. Her bold vision for the direction of this story is supported by a team of award-winning producers based in Boise, ID. She grew up participating in climate rallies and her experience within the climate youth movement informs her approach on this project. 

Background: Barb Kuensting, the film's director, came to Boise in the spring of 2023 to attend a journalism conference and saw several students from Timberline High School give a talk about their wolf advocacy efforts. She was inspired by their passion, and reached out to begin a conversation. Six months later, after many conversations, a lot of research, and the establishment of several key partnerships, production began on this feature length documentary.

Hear the full story behind the film's inception in this episode of the Earth to Humans podcast: 

In early 2024 our team launched a crowdfunding campaign on Seed&Spark and successfully raised over $20,000 - providing the seed funding needed for the first stage of production. Now that this campaign has come to an end, we've opened this donation page as a way to accept ongoing production support as we continue to seek the full funding needed to complete this important project.

Children of the Wolves is co-produced and fiscally sponsored by the Wild Lens Collective, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All contributions made via this campaign are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.