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Help Change Families Lives


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We are an Australian Registered Charity (70 609 238 351) with DGR Status. All contributions are tax deductible in Australia and the USA. No goods or services will be provided as part of this donation.
Help us with our dream of changing families lives
A few years ago, I was blessed to be able to travel to Fiji and help build sanitation blocks for an under privileged school. 

Since this life changing experience, I have had a fire in my belly and the want and desire to be involved with another organisation to help change more lives in countries of need. 

This is where Heartprint comes in .... 

I have recruited both my mother and father-in-law and we are wanting to travel to Siem Reap, Cambodia to help the Heartprint team build a house for an under privileged family in need. This is a five-day volunteering programme where we will be involved in the complete house build from day one to completion and handover to the family on day five!

We would also like to raise enough money to put at least 5 children through the Heartprint Community Centre programs for 12 months. In the past, children of Cambodia have been forced to work from a very young age and have missed the opportunity of basic schooling and an education to help with their future. We would love to be involved in changing this and paving the way forward for these kids. The community centre supports kids to attend local Khmer school as well as attend extra curricular activities at the centre that supplement their schooling. 

We would be forever grateful for any donation big or small to help us with our dream of changing some of these families' lives 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts 
Lisa, Rob and Jo