Chabad Berkshire Valley

Chabad provides spiritual, emotional and physical needs to the Jewish community of the Berkshire Valley and the surrounding areas. 

Donor Wall14

Yoeli Donin | $540

Much Hatzlocha, Chayas and Yoeli

Sholom Leverton | $770

Hatzlocha rabbo bakol l'chaim velivrocho

Rabbi Mendy Solomon | $180

Menashe Fleisher | $360

Shlomo et Hani | $36

Chaya Schwartz | $54

Memkeh Schmukler

Hatzlacha Raba!

Zisha Kraman | $180

Levi I am so happy for you guys! Mazal tov! Only Nachas and good health much Hatzlacha and Parnasa Beharchava!

Shterna Sara Kesselman | $100

Mazal Tov! Wishing you so much success! You’re gonna rock up Berkshire Valley!

Lyba Pinson

Much Hatzlacha!

Yossi And Soroh Sirota

Avremel Caroline

Much hatzlocha!!

Moshe & Dinie | $104.42


Chaya Levertov

Hatzlacha!- the Levertovs :)