Nomi Network is named after Nomi, a girl whom our founders, Diana and Alissa, met volunteering at a Cambodian rescue shelter over a decade ago. Despite being trafficked by her stepfather by the age of eight, Nomi’s warmth was undeniable. Inspired by her radiance, our founders envisioned a support network for survivors like her. Thus, Nomi Network was born in 2012, helping over 20,000 women and girls at risk break free from cycles of poverty.
Join us this International Women’s Day (IWD) by creating a world where all trafficking survivors can experience the joy of economic freedom. Celebrate with us as we spotlight three remarkable women from our empowerment programs, Sela, Aashvi, and Tara, sharing their stories of overcoming their unique employment barriers in Cambodia, India, and the U.S.
Donating towards our $35,000 goal and sharing their video stories with your network will provide job training, mentorship, and resource coordination to help survivors obtain sustainable employment and build lasting economic security.
Eradicating human trafficking takes a network of fierce advocates.