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Crane Center for Mass Atrocity Prevention, Inc. is a Section 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, EIN 85-1280644. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
CCMAP Campaign 2021

In our first year, the Crane Center for Mass Atrocity Prevention directly connected 15,000 people across 35 countries through our direct programming and outreach efforts. We connected with an additional 15,000 people through our international partnerships. We developed and co-sponsored over a dozen events with survivors, experts, and thought leaders within the human rights field. 


Through our advocacy and legislative outreach, we directly addressed the needs of refugee groups while building relationships with key change-makers and civil society leaders from around the world. We did all of this with only $700 in funding.


Now, we are asking for your support. We are seeking just $1 for each person we directly connected with in our first year to achieve our goal of raising $15,000. Achieving this goal will allow the Crane Center to recognize its full potential as a human rights organization. With these funds, we will expand both our educational and in-country programs, grow our fellowships, and build upon our capacity to make lasting peace a reality. Every dollar raised from this campaign will go towards achieving these goals.


What will your donation support?


Holocaust Education Fellowship


For the last year, Dr. Eileen Angelini has graciously donated countless hours of her time to create curriculum, conduct research, and keynote events for the Crane Center's Holocaust Education initiative. Your donations will help ensure that Dr. Angelini has access to the best resources available to ensure the stories lessons of the Holocaust are shared with future generations.


Terry Fear Peace Fellowship


Named in honor of the late Terry Fear, the Terry Fear Peace Fellowship focuses on lifting up the work of peacemakers anywhere in the world. The fellowship is meant to continue Terry’s outstanding work as an educator, as a community organizer, and as an advocate for all. Specifically, the Terry Fear Peace Fellowship seeks projects focused on bridging communities through open dialogue, advocating for the rights of immigrant groups, social justice, and prison reform, especially abolition of the death penalty.


Connecting Voices Speaker Series


The Connecting Voices Speaker Series focuses on elevating voices that are often overlooked. In keeping with our founding vision, Connecting Voices will highlight survivors of mass violence, human rights workers, and subject matter experts across our field. The series will consist of eight total programs during the Fall, Winter, and Spring each focusing on a specific event, group, or topic ranging from Holocaust testimonies to cultural celebrations.


Program Infrastructure

There are certain tools we rely on to deliver our programs on an international level. We have been fortunate enough to lean on our partners for access to many of these tools throughout our first year. As we push forward with creating unique, independent programs, we must look towards funding these tools ourselves. We intend to finance memberships to Zoom, Storyblocks, and various research services that will allow us to offer even better programs and video content during our second year.