There are 3 phases:
1. Digging Hole, Septic Tank
2. Build Bathroom (septic tank, toilet, bath, shower)
3. Install Toilet + water
Help us create the living quarters for all the volunteers that is live-able, comfortable, and sanitary! The Dog Sanctuary needs your help to evolve into the wonderful animal sanctuary paradise it dreams to be.
Your donation will go a long way towards making this a living space that is inviting, clean, and will make a more positive life for every person (and dog) that comes through our doors!
Phase 1: completed!
It has taken a long time, but we have finished the first phase of the bathroom construction!
We have dug the whole for the septic system, which is in the style of "Canadian Compost", using a rock-filtration system for the waste to return to the earth at a level without smell. Take a look at a picture:
Here is the hole itself:
Andres & Crew finish the hole!
We are now in "Phase 2", and need to build the structure! There is a LOT still to do with Cement, metal, piping, and etc.: can you help us get to the next phase of the project? We would REALLY appreciate it!
It has been a long time coming but we're exciting for this next phase. It will require building walls, putting in a floor, adding pipes to the water system, and all the surrounding space for the toilet. Let's build a bathroom, and help us get clean quick, by donating today!