Build A Miracle (BAM) was started in 1999 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to build homes for impoverished families in Tijuana Mexico. Our families typically go from living in a one room dwelling with a dirt floor to a dignified 500 square foot, 3-bedroom home, complete with insulation, stucco and drywall that is built to last for generations. Their new home has indoor plumbing, a real bathroom and a kitchen! The parents and children can now sleep in separate rooms and they are able to take a warm shower often for the first time in their lives.
BAM is special because families are not simply given homes, but earn them through community service hours, participating in community center classes and keeping their kids in school. The BAM community center is available to all families to help them in all aspects of their lives - from educational classes, to psychology services to small business loans, and much more!
A fully furnished home currently costs around $21,000
$17,000 pays for the materials and building of the home
$4,000 pays for the furniture
The home building process consists of three separate build days where volunteers help with mixing cement, hammering and painting. Our skilled building team does the remainder of the work to complete the home. The third volunteer build day is very special because we surprise the family with furniture and get to hand them the keys to their new home! There is nothing quite like the look on their faces when they walk in and see their brand new home filled with furniture, their new friends, and everything they need to start this new chapter in their lives. It's so wonderful to see people from both sides of the border working together to build miracles!
Families, church and school groups and many others have come together to fundraise for either an entire home or just a portion. Donate to help change lives today!
For more information on Build A Miracle, checkout their website at
1st Friends Can Build A Miracle . $21,309.57 raised 151 donations
2nd Lucas Brumbach And Leo Grossman $9,459.31 raised 30 donations
3rd Brian Slattery $4,820.59 raised 25 donations
4th Emerson Cano And Addy Barlow $261.95 raised 5 donations
5th Lions Heart $260 raised 3 donations
6th Colomba The Bishop's School $250 raised 3 donations
You can also help us to achieve our goals!
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