Please Support Us! We Work for You! The Government Rag Needs Your Help!






The Government Rag Needs Your Help More Than Ever!

The Government Rag is moving to a more digital platform in 2020 with more videos and increased emphasis on investigations and exposure of the most important corruption and real conspiracy and the people involved.

We are not advertiser supported. We have been censored by advertising affiliate agencies like Share-A-Sale and had our Paypal Account cancelled and Facebook has taken down our 8 year old Facebook Group and Jack Mullen's 10+ year old Facebook page.

Following the above social media and advertising censorship, WordPress had taken down our 11 year old blog for the same censorship reasons and forced us to move it to another platform as well. What was once is now

Recently, Go Daddy (which The Government Rag had as hosting service for more than 11 years) unexpectedly shut down our site and told us we had a limited amount of time to pack our bags and move to another platform. They did this to censor us and to punish us for telling the truth and because our following had been growing over the years, they tried to swiped it all away - just like that... 

We had only a limited time to act so we were forced to take the site and reconstruct it on another platform

The time has come to fight back smarter. We have: 

  1. Moved the site a safer location away from potential deletion and censorship by the mainstream host providers.
  2. Added a second site for hosting videos, for our own site and others wishing to escape censorship.
  3. Paid forward several years of hosting services for purposes of stability during the coming economic collapse
  4. Reconstructed our blog (TGR Intelligence Report) and began the process of reconnecting with our users and followers. 

These blatant acts of Abuse by these censoring giants have costed us a lot of time and money. We still need your help. We have many expenses to purchase still including, software, plug-ins, and video equipment. We have many investigations we are involved in and cannot continue without your support!  

If you agree with our plans and like our commitment to ONLY the truth and our commitment to the First Amendment and the inalienable right to free speech and open debate on all topics including topics that are politically censored, and you can afford to help us - please donate.

Do not donate if you are unable to meet your own obligations or are just surviving in this time of economic destruction. We are only asking those who could donate without burden and who find our work and plans valuable.

Thank you to all those who have helped and supported us over the years. We are truly grateful! 

Anyone donating $25 or more will receive a copy of Stephanie's latest book.

BOOK: A Citizen Journalist's Exposure of Sandy Hook | by Stephanie Sledge