Ukraine: Front Line Life Lines: Urgent Medical Supplies Needed
Campaign champion:
Kerry Secrest, Honorary Consul of Lithuania to Vermont and friends
Kerry is on our Advisory Board and has been supporting Ukraine since the onset of the war. Kerry has held fundraisers for us in the past, and we are grateful for this campaign, which she has created for us to provide needed supplies to Ukraine's defenders.
Please join us in this life saving campaign!
As the Russian invasion continues to destroy Ukraine, the need for critical medical supplies increases exponentially. In the rush to keep front line soldiers alive, the most urgently needed medical supplies are tourniquets and chest seals. Neither are standard issued gear, and Ukraine’s defenders* cannot afford them.
*Defenders: 2/3 to 3/4 were civilians before the war, with jobs just like we have.
What it means on the front lines:
A defender steps on a landmine and deeply cuts a leg - the tourniquet they now have may save them.
A defender is shot in chest - the chest seal they now have will prevent air from entering the cavity, and may save them.
Tourniquets: $30.00/each
Chest seals: $20.00/each
Front Lines Life Lines Kit: $50.00
1 Tourniquet and 1 Chest Seal
Please consider a $50.00 donation, help us reach our goal of donating 150 Front Line Life Lines Kits!
Blue/Yellow USA cannot not do this without your continued support. It operates without government funding, donations come entirely from private sources. Your generosity has enabled them to supply critical medical care to Ukraine’s defenders and civilians. Please join Kerry in supporting Blue/Yellow USA's work.
Together we are all making a difference, contributing to Ukraine’s path to victory, and until then we need to be firm in our commitment to continue to provide medical aid. Please donate if you can and share this widely among your family, friends and your social media. Let us all do everything we can to provide this critical assistance. For updates, please go to Blue/Yellow USAs website,, or follow Blue/Yellow USA on social media.
If you are a doctor, corporation or medical facility interested in donating supplies, and/or bulk donations of critically needed items, or large medical equipment, please contact Blue/Yellow USA directly at