BISH is one of the leading sex and relationships advice and education resources for over 14s and adults online. It's ad free, and entirely dependent funding from wonderful individuals on Patreon or here via Donorbox.
It's run by me, Justin Hancock. I've been a sex and relationships educator since 1999 and in that time I've worked with thousands of young people in person (in clinics, schools and youth settings). Millions of young people have visited BISH in the last 10 years. They trust the content. Like that it's well researched, written by a human, and funny.
This website was included in the UNESCO Switched On Symosium looking at sexuality websites for young people. BISH was praised for having ‘an intelligent response’ to providing resources which focus on both safely and pleasure.
Supporters of BISH often say "I wish this was around when I was younger." If you want this kind of resource to be around, and think it's important that it's ad free, independent, leftist, and anti-fascist, please consider supporting it. At the moment I'm only paid the equivalent of a couple of hours a week to work on it, we need a lot more than this to make this sustainable for the future.