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The second step is done!

I decided to skip the town of Abancay with the general strike that is going on here in Peru and cut directly through the mountains to get to the Peru Great Divide marking the beginning of the third step. 

This second step from Coporaque to Chalhuanca was absolutely stunning, each turns in those mountains dirt road revealing a new amazing landscape. 

The weather was very eclectic, from snowy picks to warm valley. The afternoon storms can get very scary when over 4000m with hudge thunder and lightnings getting not so far from your head, but everything is soon forgotten with the morning sun and, as always, the herds of lamas and fluffy alpacas who were there to keep me company. 

My Christmas was pretty lonely in Caylloma but I spent an amazing New Year Eve full of dancing and singing with a very welcoming family in Antabamba! 

Arriving to Coporaque, the end of the first step

Arriving in the Reserve The first two days were dedicated to the climbing of the Chachani, 2000m of elevation gain to arrive in the plateau of the National Reserve of "Salinas y Aguada Blanca" at 4100m of altitude. 

Biking across the pampa was a pire pleasure with the morning sun, the afternoon storms and various groups of vicuñas. After that it started climbing again to 4900m where I began a descent of 40km to arrive in Coporaque (3600m). 

I spent a few days there to rest and discover this wonderful community. A Curious Encounter 

The Colca River