I will be running 5K on Sunday 23rd June! My aim is to help BBYO continue to:
- Provide bursaries to families who are unable to pay for BBYO's major events, such as Trek Israel/Europe, Winter Convention & Summer camp. The national cost of living crisis is affecting many people, and record numbers are applying for bursaries this year.. Your donation will help us provide financial assistance to more families.
- Provide local Chapters with the support they need to run regular activities. Running a Chapter is more expensive than ever, with venue and resources costs both up. Your donation will help us continue to provide local Chapters to multiple regions across the UK.
- Invest in training and resources for our volunteers. 1 in 6 young people have a mental health condition and our leaders need training to provide the required support to our members.
This year BBYO turns 100! Your donation will receive match funding this week and we are aiming to raise £55,000. Thank you so much for helping us to do this.